Three - Baby, We've Got Chemistry

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Strange things happen every day, but nothing compares to the amount of strange things I experienced ever since Jeon Jungkook entered my life.

I suppose you could say that I, myself am not the most normal person out there either - I'm a witch in training after all, but compared to this guy I'm like an old, grey sock and he's like... rainbow colored fishnet tights or something.

Well, whatever, my story picks up in chemistry class, aka the class that officially started my downfall.

We're having chemistry in a sort of small lecture hall; Multiple seats rows leveling down each row until they meet with the teachers desk and board at floor level.

Naturally, I sat in the very back of the room, but because this just happened to be everyone's least favorite course I wasn't sitting alone - everyone was fighting for a seat in the back in here.

But not today, no, today everyone sat down in the front, which was weird to begin with.

By the time over half of the class had entered I was still alone, awkwardly sitting in the back with no one else around me, asking myself what I missed, while the other ones seemed to stiffly ignore the back seats.

I looked around confused, searching for my usual lab partner Becci, but the only one I spotted was the transfer student that wouldn't stop annoying me yesterday.

He sat a few seats away, slumped together in his seat, while staring into space.

His dark locks were swept out of his face, revealing large eyes and pouty lips. His fingers kept messing with an old pen, spinning it around in his hand like they needed something to occupy themselves with badly.

My eyes fell onto his legs that were spread open, one of them bouncing nervously, like he just couldn't hold still.

When my gaze lingered on the many silver piercings dangling from his ears - and how I also noticed on his right eye brow - he suddenly looked into my direction, somehow reminding me of an owl spotting a mouse, and I quickly looked away, shocked by the way his eyes had so quickly narrowed on to me.

Awkwardly, I forced myself to pay attention to class, noting how there was still no one in the back rows for some reason. Only him and I.

"Let's pick up where we left off last, shall we?" Our teacher began with a bored sigh, obviously not wanting to be here with us right now and I was short of recommending to just dismiss class for now, since no one wanted to do this anyways, "Y/N, since you'll be working with the new kid-" He stopped, squinting his eyes thinking hard, "-Jungkook, right? You should quickly introduce him to the topic."

At that, some of the other kids turned around, whispered something into their seat mates ear and quickly went back to work.

Of course I noticed this, always a bit too self-aware whenever I was given attention by someone, feeling discouraged by the other's obvious gossiping about what-so-fucking-ever it was.

Sluggishly, I took out my notes, slowly turning towards Jeon, "uh, well-"

I got cut off by a way-too-excited boy sitting right in front of me all of a sudden, looking like an excited puppy with his chin resting in his hand and his eyes sparkling - I swear I even could see a tail wagging.

"Well?" He asked, scooting uncomfortably close as I tried to regain my composure.

It was weird in a way, because this tall, broad fucking boy was looking down on me like I hung the stars and the moon or was about to teach him the most important lesson of his life.

"What are you so excited about? It's chemistry-" I asked, thrown off by his enthusiasm.

"I love chemistry!" He claimed, making me look at him in suspicion.

He must be lying. Or he's just bat shit crazy.

"Uhm, alright so-"

I started to explain as best as I could, which turned out not be that easy, because 1. I hadn't exactly been paying enough attention in class to explain all this crap to another student and, 2. ...He. Kept on. Coming. Closer.

Every time I scooted back wards to bring some space between us this fucker came even closer, until I ended up on the seat behind me, feeling more and more uncomfortable. It's like he didn't know the concept of personal space and it was driving me fucking insane, because why the fuck did he think it was okay to fucking cling to me like that?

After about five minutes of failed attempts of getting some space between us I smashed my hand on the table - making the heads of the students closest to us turn in our direction - and hissed, "Would you please back the fuck off? Gimme some space, idiot."

Jungkook blinked for a moment, head cocked to the side in clear confusion until he realized that he was practically sitting on my lap and quickly startled back, bowing in his seat, "S-Sorry! Didn't notice, I- uhm... you were just explaining so-- well..."

We both knew this was a lie.

I frowned, shaking my head to get rid of my confusion and went back to explaining. While doing so I took out a pen, wanting to write something down to make it easier for Jungkook, when I accidentally dropped it - because of course I fucking did, this is a fan fiction after all.

I watched the pen roll further and further away from me, until it stopped underneath the seat behind Jungkook miserably.

I huffed, expecting the other to pick it up. But for some reason that asshole didn't even move to help me, just kept on staring at my oh-so-great notes in deep interest.

For a moment I considered pointing it out and ask for him to help me, like any other person would've done, but instead my stupid brain told me not to bother him, so I leaned down to pick up this stupid pen myself.

Admittedly, I'm not the tallest person, so I really struggled with reaching it, until I was practically flung across Jungkook's lap who didn't budge - at first.

When I finally got a grip of that dumb fucking pen I was about to go back up when something made me stop.

Jungkook, to be precise, made me stop. Because that weirdo had suddenly leant forwards, until I felt his nose touch the back of my neck and I felt him inhale deeply.

He. Fucking. DID IT AGAIN. That weirdo sniffed my clothes and I literally felt the small hairs on my back rise as he did that, utterly creeped out.

Startled, I jerked up quickly, looking at him with wide eyes.

The boy answered my flabbergasted expression with a questioning one, as if he wanted to ask, "What happened? What's the problem?"

I again quickly looked away, rubbing my arms that were covered in goosebumps as I breathed in shakily.

What the frickety frack was that just now?

"T-That's it. We're done." I said, only to get rid of that idiot that made me feel all kinds of uncomfortable.

"You sure? There's still-"

"I said we're done." I repeated, more insistingly.

He looked like a kicked puppy when he nodded, sliding back in his seat, obviously not knowing what it was that he did wrong.

Puzzled, I looked at this tall, pretty-as-fuck boy with his long hair and piercings and messy uniform, who looked like he was supposed to be the bad boy love interest in a romance anime, but acted like a little child who's been exposed to the big wide world for the first time instead.

Truly infuriating, that's what he was.

Though I partly blamed my lack of social skills on that disastrous situation from a few minutes ago.


Just clueless little googie making us uncomfortable for an entire chapter


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