Twenty Four - Ghosts Of The Past

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It was pouring buckets outside, the rain drenching Yoongi-ssi from head to toe. His pitch black hair stuck to his forehead, clothes dripping by now.

But he didn't mind, not now, when his expression was like this as soon as he laid eyes on Grandma.

"Lin Moira?" He asked, voice sounding as if his soul just left his body.

Never would I have been able to imagine, that Jungkook's stoic, intimidating pack leader could have this utterly vulnerable look on his face.

It just wouldn't sit right with me; the way his lips were slightly parted, eyes opened wide with a hint of deep, deep sadness hidden somewhere behind his long, dark lashes. This wasn't the expression of a leader. This was the look of a small, lost boy.

he's still so young

I realized. How was he a pack leader already?

"Min Yoongi?" Grandma looked comparably surprised, though her expression was unreadable of any other emotion. Her lips closed as soon as she spoke his name out loud, eyes glazing over, as if she wanted to seal away her feelings for our eyes.

"Are you-" Yoongi-ssi's eyes twitched between me, who was standing behind the elder woman, and Grandma, "-is she your granddaughter?"

Grandma nodded slowly, not even looking my way when I hesitantly grabbed her sleeve, non-verbally asking for answers. Why did these two know each other?

"How's Hiro?"  My grandmother asked without blinking, conjuring an almost violent reaction from the shifter.

He flinched with his whole body and looked down ashamed, shaking his head without any more words.

Grandma didn't say anything else.

Jungkook, who had patiently waited behind us, now pushed past me, completely clueless of the tension in the air, "Yoongi-Hyung? What are you doing here?"

"I-" He looked at Jungkook in a way that looked like he wanted apologizing for something, "I came to pick you up. You never stay away that long without saying anything."

"Oh, right..." The younger shifter scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, "I should've messaged one of you, sorry-"

"Y/N-" Grandma interrupted the shifter's conversation, "I don't want you to meet this boy anymore."

"What?! Why?"

"Moira, do you really think that this is necessary-" Yoongi also protested.

She ignored him, "I don't want you to even talk to him anymore outside of school and minimize your contact with him during class to the smallest bit." She hissed, making me startle backwards, never having seen this raw anger on her face.

My eyes twitched over to Yoongi, who didn't protest anymore, averting his eyes with this endlessly sad expression.

So that was what he was apologizing for just now

"Now, leave." Moirae commanded.

A frail hand pushed me from behind, back inside, quickly closing the door.

The last thing I saw was Jungkook, staring at me with utter panic in his eyes, hand reached out to touch me.

Fuckfuckfuck. What the fuck. What the-

I kept standing in front of the closed door, heartbeat drumming in my ears, zeroing out any other sounds around me. Even the sound of the rain, that I loved so dearly, was nothing but a dull pulsing far, far away.

Grandma was breathing harshly next to me, as if having run a marathon, supporting herself on the shelf next to her shakily.

"W-Who's Hiro?" I breathed out.

She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes, "Your uncle."


Jungkook felt adrenaline rush through his veins, willing his hand to slowly come back down after his pathetic attempt of keeping her next to him for bit longer.

He turned to his pack leader - the man he admired and respected like no one else. In fact, he'd never truly felt respect towards any one but Yoongi.

But right now his leader, his idol, looked nothing like that.

He'd never seen Yoongi like this. So scared and vulnerable, like a shot deer.

As the adrenaline started to leave his body, Jungkook began to notice the heavy rain that was drenching his clothes, started to notice how hard he was shaking.

"What was that about, Hyung?"

Yoongi shook his head, hand coming up to gently press against the younger's back and lead him down the path that lead to the house's entrance, "Let's go home Jungkook." Nothing of the stoic firmness his voice usually carried was left - instead he sounded soft, fragile.

"Why? You aren't usually this passive, Hyung! Why didn't you say anything!" Jungkook panicked when he felt a lump from in his throat, anger and fear bringing tears to his eyes, "You said it yourself! That she... that she's maybe my- my mate."

Yoongi stopped, head turning to Jungkook who almost feared that he'd gone too far. You don't talk like that to your leader.

But Yoongi wasn't angry. He just shook his head again, "I was delusional. I'm sorry, Jungkook. But Moira is right- it's for the better if you two stop seeing each other."

Seeing each other...

"We didn't even-" Jungkook's voice broke, but he kept on spewing out is words hoarsely, "We didn't even get to the point of 'seeing each other'! What the fuck do you adults think you are doing with us? Toying with us like this?"

"Stop it."

There it was again. The tone Jungkook was used of hearing from Yoongi.

"If I, your leader, tell you not to see her anymore, you will listen, understood? I have my reasons. You don't need to understand them, just obey." His expression was grim.

Jungkook ducked his head, fighting back tears of anger. But Yoongi was right - he should obey his leader. He's never respected anyone or anything - but Yoongi. Yoongi was the only steady pillar in this life, the one he knew he could trust. He would listen to him.

The older shifter sighed deeply, patting the younger's shoulder brotherly, "I hate scolding you Jungkook. And I also know how easily we tend to forget our place when it comes to the ones we love. Just... try. Try to behave and get over her, okay?"

Jungkook bit his tongue, restraining himself from saying anything he'd regret later on.

He just nodded, pulling his jacket closer around him to fight off the cold.

It hadn't been mutual anyways.


I published a little 'how to write fanfiction' book, where I give tips for new writers who don't know how to start out yet.

If you're interested int writing yourself, I hope this will be of some help for you!


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