Twenty Five - Miss You

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I'd like to say that I took it well. Having Grandma - the woman who raised me - raise her voice at me for the first time, being told not to meet my best friend ever again and FINDING OUT THAT I HAVE A FUCKING UNCLE.

But, nope, I wasn't really doing good.

Not the next day, when I stayed home all the time in stead of going to school and neither the day after, when I forced myself out of bed at 6am, anxious feeling inside of me.

Grandma telling me not to see Jungkook anymore was one thing - I mean, we could still talk at school, she wouldn't really be able to stop us.

But the fact that she got angry at me like that was... well, like I said, I wasn't used to that. I take it, I might be a little spoiled in that sense, but I didn't grow up normally, with two parents who raised me.

I grew up with a confused, elderly woman who just happened to be a severely busy witch with a weird imagination of what is important for kids to learn.

Oh, and the fact that she kept a family member from me of course. That, too.


I didn't even know wether he had been mom's or dad's brother. Gran Gran, of course, dodged every of my attempts to find out more about this mysterious uncle of mine. And that- that was just wrong. I have every right to get to know my only other relative (that I know of so far, I mean, I don't know how many other uncles she's hiding from me) don't you think so?

I sighed frustrated, kicking aside a stone that was laying on the sidewalk.

It was still dark outside this early in the morning, no one else around. I thought back to the day this stranger had followed and attacked me - if it wasn't for Jungkook, who knows what would've happened to me?

I never told Grandma

Maybe she'd change her mind if I told her how Jungkook saved me.

But probably not.

I yawned deeply when I entered the classroom, already having decided on the questions I wanted to ask Jungkook.

But when I lifted my head to greet him, he wasn't there, which was weird considering that he was always earlier than me.

I sat down confused, trying not to think about it too hard.

I can't possibly expect him to be that early every morning. This doesn't have to say anything.

Slowly but steadily, the rest of our classmates entered the room - only when the last had entered did the shifter finally turn up, eyes hefted onto the floor when he sat down behind me - which was another strange thing.

Jungkook never sat down on his respective seat; He always used every opportunity to stick to me in each class - I'm pretty sure that even our teachers forgot that he isn't actually sitting in the seat next to me.

But today, he sat down behind me obediently and made no move to touch or talk to me.

As well as the next day.

And the day after.

And the- well, you get what I mean. This went on like this for some time.

Until it was Monday again.

My fingers were clenched around my pencil, eyes staring down onto my desk while I tried my best to ignore the overwhelming presence of Jungkook right behind me.

The Jungkook that used to cling to me where ever I went. The Jungkook that had been ignoring me for almost a week now.

I couldn't even concentrate on what the teacher was saying.

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