Twenty Eight - Old Spark

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"Why are you running like that?" Jungkook huffed.

"I'm not running, you're just really slow." I retorted.

"If you- if you held my hand while walking, maybe I could keep up easier."

"Not gonna happen."

We were on our way to Jungkook's home, where I wanted to finally ask Yoongi about my uncle - as scary as the thought of asking him sounded.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of being followed, but maybe my past days with Hoseok had just made me paranoid.

"Bunny, pleaseee-"

"Shh!" I shushed him when we reached the front door, stepping aside to give Jungkook space to unlock the door, we quickly slipped inside, promptly being greeted by a chaotic bunch of overly excited shifters.


"Y/N!" Beomgyu shouted excited, crushing my poor, fragile body with his enthusiastic hug.

"Mpf- h...i," I grunted.

Jungkook was being fussed over immediately as well, distracting the others enough to give me space to ask Namjoon where we could find Yoongi-ssi.

The older shifter cocked a brow surprised, reaching past me to pull Jungkook by the nape, out of the bundle of young shifters teasing him.

"He's in his room right now, why do you wanna talk to him?" Namjoon asked curiously.

"It's uhm- about my family." I admitted shyly.

Namjoon just looked at me for a moment, before nodding seriously and disappearing upstairs, where I heard him call for their leader.

Soon, a small, tired looking shifter rushed downstairs, disapproving scowl on his face, "Jungkook?" He growled, "Didn't I tell you not to-"

"I forced him to." I cut him off, fully aware of how disrespectful I was acting in the moment, "Yoongi-ssi, please. I wanted to ask you about my- my family."

The shifter stopped mid-way, all the anger on his face making space for a dull expression, "Didn't you ask your grandmother?"

"Yes, but she won't answer. I have a right to know about this stuff...!"

I noted how it had gotten quiet around us, the other shifters falling into sheepish silence, soon leaving the corridor.

Yoongi scratched the back of his neck, looking away for a moment, "If you came here to ask me, there's at least something you know, right?"

I nodded, hastily taking out the picture Jungkook had given me that day in the library, "Here- this is you, together with my uncle, Hiro, right?"

His expression darkened and he nodded, "Correct."

"Well, I- wanted to know what your relationship with him is, where he's living right now and why he was with you that day."

Yoongi's dark look softened a tad bit and he lifted his hand, slowly pushing my outstretched arm with the picture back against my chest, "I think it's best if you ask him yourself. It's about time, no?"

I nodded, though puzzled what exactly he meant.

"Namjoon?" Yoongi chimed.

Adressed's head appeared from the kitchen, "Yes?"

"Can you drive them?"

"Of course."

The pack leader nodded shortly, turning away as if this was the end of the conversation.

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