Fifteen - Selfish Beings

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Oh, what a fool I was for thinking that something as simple as a shower would make the scent go away.

My hair was still dripping wet when I waddled down stairs, yawning as I made my way into the kitchen where I wanted to greet Grandma properly, after just rushing inside when I came home.

The woman looked down at me with an arched brow, lips pressed together in a thin line.

I, of course, noticed her bad mood, "What?"

"And you really don't want to tell me who this shifter is? Because clearly, you know it now."


"Uhm, well, I don't-" I knew there was no point of lying, but I still tried to, "I'm not 100% sure yet. I don't want to... tell you anything wrong, you know."

Really fucking smooth Y/N

But Grandma seemed to buy it, nodding thoughtfully, "If you know anything for sure, tell me. And then stay away from them."

I looked at my feet for a moment, before finally speaking out the thoughts that had been hunting me for quite some time now, "Aren't witches and shifters supposed to be allies?"

The old woman halted in her actions and she fulled turned to me, "Who said that?"

"I read it in the books you gave me." I answered stubbornly, crossing my arms, "So why do you dislike them so much?"

She sighed, "Whatever you read doesn't apply to us, Y/N. Shifters are not our friends, okay?"

I shook my head feverly, "No. Not okay. What I read about was- it sounded so beautiful. Two inherently different groups supporting each other, protecting each other..."

"You say that, not knowing that this bastard already laid his claim on you!" Grandma interrupted me, expression hardening, "He marked you like a- like an object and you act as if this all is a story of mutual benefit. Shifters are selfish, darling. Get this in your naive brain."

I stared up at this woman, whom I had never heard talking like that, whom I had never seen looking as angry as now, unable to reply anything.

Abruptly, she turned around, facing away from me, "Light some incense candles." She ordered, "These should make the scent go away."

I stared at her hesitantly, while hurrying to follow her order, never having been that intimidated by my own grandmother.


I couldn't look him in the eyes. Or at least I wouldn't be able to when I entered school.

"He marked you, like an object..."

My arms hugged tighter around my bag, which was resting on my lap while I was waiting for the bus to arrive at my school.

The vehicle was crowded today, I was lucky to having gotten a seat, thanks to the nice boy who always keeps one free for me, though it was still kind of squashed.

At one point, the bus drove around a corner making a younger students stumble against me and push me further into the seat, against the boy next to me.

"Ah fuck- sorry." I hissed, rubbing my my side with a frown.

"Don't worry," The boy said smiling,"Wasn't your fault."

I nodded, although apologizing again. For a moment I looked up at him, seeing his gaze darken for split second, before he shook his head smiling, putting his earphones back in.

I was very much relieved when the bus stopped at my station and I was finally able to get out of this crowded space, feeling like I could breathe again properly.

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