Two - Magic At My Fingertips

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Having the new kid getting on my nerves the entire day felt like fate testing my very limits.

Sometimes I wished those cliché witch pictures were real, so that I could transform Jeon into a toad or something, but sadly I'd have to put up with that stupid idiot in human form (spoiler alert: that turned out not to be exactly true).

"Okay, that's it for today." Our math teacher Miss Wang announced, stretching her arms over head head yawning, "You guys can pack up."

In that very moment I felt a paper crumble hit the back of my neck and finally - now that class was dismissed - jumped up and turned around, "Stop it you fucking dumbfuck!" I snarled annoyed.

That stupid grin was back on Jungkook's face, like a child on Christmas and he too stood up, right in front of me, only to make me realize that he was at least three heads taller, "Make me, midget."

"What-" The mere height difference was what threw me off, but I caught myself quickly, "What's your problem anyways? Did I do something to you or what?"

All of a sudden, he looked really troubled, sheepish even as if he didn't plan on what to say next, "Well..."

I cocked a brow, backing off when Jungkook leaned even closer, seemingly unconscious, "Hm?"

"Well... I--" He stared into space while trying to formulate a coherent answer, the smug look on his face replaced by a very embarrassed one, "I dunno." He concluded eventually, "No reason, I guess."

"Well, then stop with the bullshit or I'll cut off your toes." I threatened, ignoring the expression of both surprise and amusement on the boy's face.

I didn't look at him when I threw my bag over my shoulder and quickly hurried outside.


"I'm home!" I shouted when I unlocked the rattling, old door of my home.

"Hey," A friendly voice greeted me from the kitchen, "How was school, honey?"

"Eh- it's been better." I said honestly, throwing my bag into a corner, before proceeding to help with washing the vegetables.

"Oh? What happened?" Grandma asked.

"There's this new kid in our class and he's... kind of a handful."

Her eyes crinkled upwards endearingly when she laughed, shoulders shaking as she did so, "Boys will be boys, I guess."

I pouted while I dried off my hands carefully, "He's mean."

A strand of snow white hair fell into her face when she cocked her head to the side, "Give him some time. He's new and probably doesn't know how to act around you."

She was always so awfully wise, wow.

I just nodded, watching how the woman began to chop vegetables with skilled movements.

I'd like to take a moment to tell you how much I love my grandma. She's without any question the only good person left on this planet and I'd do anything to protect this amazing woman from any harm and negativity.

After my mom died when I was still very young, she took me in and raised me like her own child and all I can say is, that I've had the happiest childhood an orphan like me could possibly have.

Not only did she raise me, but she also taught me the ways of magic that's been passed on in our family for many generations now, being both an amazing mother and teacher.

She was my best friend, and I couldn't imagine a day without her.

"Don't worry-" Grandma said when I proceeded to help her with the onions, "Let me do this. Just go upstairs and do your homework while I'm cooking."

I didn't have the heart to tell her that I didn't have any homework to do, so I just nodded with a grateful smile and hurried out of the kitchen, up into my small, stuffy room.

Gran gran's house was tiny and old, with large plants dimming the light falling through the windows from inside and ranks climbing up the old stone wall from outside. Both her and I weren't exactly the most well-ordered people, which was the reason for the permanently chaotic stage of this place; Old books, used cups or dried herbs were scattered all over every surface of the house.Yup, this place looks pretty witchy if I had to describe it in one word.

I slumped down in to the worn out seat in front of my desk. Millions of little doodles covered every centimeter of it, ink splatters drying on the old wood.

My room was pretty small; I could rest my legs on my bed while sitting in my chair, but it never bothered me, I had by far enough space.

Sluggishly, I opened the bookmarked page of one of Gran gran's old books.


Usually, Grandma's books weren't all that interesting and I preferred having her explain things to me in person, but this one was alright, I guess.

Fascinated, I watched the little flame dance between my fingers, when the door to my room opened, "Diner's ready, darling."

I quickly turned around, startled by the sudden intruder.

Grandma frowned, "Don't use fire spells inside, I'm kinda fond of this house."

I rolled my eyes, "You think I'm an idiot or something? I won't do anything bad."

"Oh honey, you are an idiot." She retorted lovingly, "That's why I don't want any fire spells in here, period."

"Charming." I stated, getting up with a huff to follow the old woman down stairs.

My fingers traced the old walls in the corridor as I walked, feet muffled by the thick carpet. Small clouds of dust erupted in the sunlight, where my feet touched the floor.

Everything was so familiar. So cozy and homey.

"Hurry up or food's gonna be cold!" I heard my grandma's voice coming from the kitchen and hurried to quickly catch up with her.

A smile wormed its way onto my face when I sat down across from her. No matter what, Gran gran would always stay the same, just like this house. I wouldn't have it any other way.


Her parents are dead? In MY story?! Totally didn't expect that.


That Awkward Magic ◆ JeonJungkook✔Where stories live. Discover now