Seven - A Bit Of Both

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Jimin cackled loudly, throwing his head back while resting his feet on the dining table, arms dangling over the arm rests of is chair, "Ahaha I- you're such a fucking idiot Kook, I can't."

The younger scowled gloomily, opting to ignore his Hyung, which earned him a smack on the back of his head.

"What else was I supposed to say to her, hm?"

"What else-" Taehyung looked at him in disbelief, "Maybe not act like a creep. She doesn't know about you, dumbass."

"Language, Taehyung." A voice chimed up from some other room.

"Whatever, you think you'll bring her here some time?" Jimin asked, a curious spark in his eyes.

"Don't you think that's a bit early, Minnie?" The black haired threw in, earning an angry glare from his best friend, "I mean, he can't even talk to her without loosing his shit."

"It's not that bad..." Jungkook mumbled, shrinking into himself as the conversation went on.

"Who would've thought that our notorious troublemaker would end up like that because of a girl?" Another voice joined the convo as San entered the kitchen, sweat soaked shirt still clinging to him grossly, "I'll have to admit, I'm enjoying seeing you out of all people in this kind of position a little too much."

"Stop bullying him." Another guy, who followed behind closely threw in, "You're just salty because he keeps on rubbing in your face that he's better than you."

"Well, what's this little shit so cocky for anyways." San snapped at the other, making Jimin and Taehyung giggle.

"Taking aside the fact that we all enjoy seeing our little pup be the one getting bullied for once," Taehyung finally decided to save Jungkook, "I really hope he get's his shit together, I don't want the events from last weekend to repeat. Ever. Again."

The others shuddered, agreeing almost immediately.


"You're reeking again." Grandma commented monotonously as soon as I entered the house.

I was short of answering with 'but Jungkook thinks I smell nice' childishly, until I realized that this would sound utterly weird.


Hold up-

I made a sharp turn into the kitchen, where Gran gran was sitting at the dining table, reading news paper, deep frown apparent on her face, "What do I smell like, again?"

The old woman turned around slowly, purposely so to add a little bit of theatric to her following words, "You stink like pheromones, my child." She said in a very importance-loaded tone.

"And that means...?"

"That there is probably a... very aggressive shifter in your grade."

She grimaced while saying that, as if the words alone left a bitter taste on her tongue.

I stood there for a moment, thinking deeply because I didn't actually know what a shifter was, but not wanting to admit this all the same.

Grandma, of course, figured this and sighed, "Shifter - also known as wolf-shifter - are beings that are able to exist in human, as well as their wolf form. They are deeply connected to their surroundings and strongly driven by instincts, just like actual wolves. Usually they don't like to mingle with humans and stay amongst themselves in packs, but especially young packs are being more open-minded lately."

"Ahh, so they are like werewolves?"

Gran gran wheezed, "Ha- No. Don't ever say that to a shifter, darling, or you'll regret it. Werewolves are people who fell victim to a highly contagious and uncontrollable disease. Shifters are born like that and have full control over both their bodies."

"And you say there could be one in my grade?"

"Well, yeah." She side-eyed me with a disgruntled look, "Judging by the strength of their scent on you they even either really like or really hate you."

I blinked, slowly processing the information while getting a really uncomfortable feeling somewhere in my tummy, because obviously I had an idea who this shifter could be.

There was only one new student, who also just happened to seem especially interested in me while acting outstandingly weird.

"Hm. Okay. I'll... look out for any potential shifters." I said, hoping that my voice made it sound like I was joking.

"I'm being for real honey," Grandma frowned, "These people are no good."

"Yeah... we'll see..." I mumbled, making a few steps backwards before turning around and rushing upstairs, into my small room, where I pulled out the dusty box from underneath my bed.

In there were all the books about magic and witch craft and what not that Grandma had given me over the years. I don't know if you remember but I might've mentioned that I've never really been interested in most of them (until they were about anything fancy) and I came to regret it a little, now that I was seriously searching for something I was sure was stated somewhere in those books.

I was seated on the small free spot on the floor, books scattered all over my bed, desk and every single free surface of my room, back resting against the end of my bed while reading through a book that talked about shifters in one part, suddenly really set on finding out more about them - without being too obvious to Grandma.

The more I read and the more I found out about those people, I got the inkling feeling that Jungkook was indeed one of them.

One particular passage made me stop though-

'During the times of witch chase, shifters and witches formed a special bond that originated in the protection one gave the other. This very unique connection between those two groups lasts to this very day and is based on the trust and the knowledge that one will always be safe in the presence of the other.'

As beautiful as this sounded - the idea that those completely different groups could not only get along, but also support each other - it still confused me.

Because, for some reason, Grandma seemed to absolutely despise shifters.


Hi, I'm alive

!!! Someone asked me about pheromones in the comment section, so I thought I'll explain them for everyone:

Its basically like a chemical that the body produces, which triggers a response amongst members of the same species (mostly animals). There are different types of pheromones - for example alarm pheromones that serve as warnings, but in fanfiction they most likely talk about sex pheromones when mentioning them😉

As a reader pointed out correctly, do pheromones usually leave a lingering scent trail that wears off after some time.


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