Thirty Three - Like Solving A Puzzle

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"Sooo what do I smell like now?" Jungkook was hopping around me like an excited chicken, "Do I smell good? Do you like it? Or is it annoying?"

I already regretted telling him that I was able to pick up pheromones now. He was way too into it.

"Oh my god, shut up." I groaned, pushing him away gently, "I can't explain what you smell like, it's hard to compare to anything, right now it's not annoying, though it was a lot stronger during your rut and no I do not dislike it."

"So you like it?"


I also have my pride, okay? I can't possibly tell him that his pheromones had made my brain go all mushy-smushy.

"I don't dislike it." I just repeated vaguely.

Someone teach me how to act less like a fucking comic-ish tsundere, it's getting ridiculous.

"Why are we going to your place again?" I changed the topic swiftly.

"Uhm, 'cause going home all alone after school is boring?"

Bitch, that's what I've been doing for years now.

I grimaced, "But your room probably reeks like hell so shortly after your rut."

He smirked idiotically, "You're saying it like it'd be a negative thing for you."

I pushed him.

"Come on, Bunyyy," That shit-eating grin wouldn't leave his face, "It'll be so cozy- we can cuddle up in my bed and you get to feel all warm and safe surrounded by my scent."

I snorted, "Shut up, I'm not like you, fucking creep. You may enjoy stuff like that, but I'm not a shifter."

Jungkook looked at me for a moment, biting the inside of his cheek as if thinking deeply, "Well- uh, right. I just kinda expected that pheromones have the same effect on you as on shifters since you seem to pick them up like everyone else now."

'Everyone else' - he made it sound like I've been a total freak til now, for not being able to pick up pheromones.

"Just because I can smell your stench now doesn't mean I react to it the same way." I said, acting thoughtful, when I knew for a fact that this wasn't true at all.

But luckily Jungkook bought it and nodded seriously, "Maybe you're right."

"Let's just get inside." I cut off the conversation, stopping in front of the entrance door.

I love Jungkook's pack. You know I do.

But they're just so... overwhelming. I'm spending the majority of my time (or at least I used to until lately) in my quiet room, practicing witchcraft all by myself.

I am not used to ten shifters tackling me the very moment I step into the house and will never be used to it, ever.

"I'm so happy that you came back, Y/N!" Beomgyu beamed overjoyed, his attempt of scenting me being only prevented by a bitter looking Jungkook pulling him back by the back of his shirt, "I thought Jungkook scared you away!"

I laughed, struggling out of Taehyung's suffocating hug, "It needs more than that to scare me away."

"You're glad that your Y/N has such thick skin, brat." Seongwha said, swatting Jungkook's head.

I snorted, watching Jungkook and Seonghwa bicker like they always seem to do.

"So, this is the girl everyone's been talking about lately?" A female voice chimed up behind me, making me whip around surprised.

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