Eleven - Bathing In Comfort

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"Looks like you made it in time today."  The guy I sat next to in the bus yesterday stated with a small grin, a cheeky glint in his eyes.

I breathed out laughing, "Yeah, I'm not gonna repeat my mistake from yesterday."

"Better be careful." He agreed, tapping his hand onto the free seat next to him, "Wanna sit down?"

I nodded gratefully, slumping down next to him inelegantly.

The boy just snickered, placing his earphones back and averting his attention to the street outside of the bus, not bothering to make any more conversation with me (which I very much appreciated).

I leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes with a sigh. I stayed up till 2am today, just to get up at 6  and now spend a whole day with Jungkook - which I knew was gonna be one train ride, because apparently it always is with him.

I wanted to run back home and curl up in a blanket, just to do nothing productive besides maybe playing Among Us (yellow is my go to color btw).

But instead I was sitting in this crusty bus, on my way to another tiring day of school.


"Sup." I grunted when I entered the class room, dropping my bag next to Jungkook whose eyes shot up startled.

"Hi." He mumbled frowning, eyes scanning over my face, "You good?"

I nodded, not bothering to tell him that I was running on 4 hours of sleep after playing Minecraft the whole night.

As the day went on, I kind of expected Jungkook to bother me, like he always does, fumbling my hair from behind or whispering useless comments in my ear while taking in the majority of the table, but today Jeon didn't seem to be in the mood for his little games.

He kept throwing short glances at me, yes, but they were always accompanied by a small frown.

I'd like to mention that serious Jungkook was a sight to see, his frown, spiced up with his eye brow piercing and long locks falling into his face had something gloomy and intimidating.

But it was unusual non the less, I was so used to having wide-eyed, curious Jungkook that serious Jungkook was throwing me off a little.

 Well, I was quick to find out why he was like that.



"Do you..." He blushed, "Have a boyfriend?"

"No, a girlfriend." I shot back, earning a deeply confused look.

"But you-"

"I'm kidding, idiot." I interrupted him before he could say anything embarrassing, "I'm as single as one can be."

"Ah." He said, then paused for a long time, though something was clearly bothering him, "...then... why do you always smell like this guy? Do you have a brother, perhaps?"

"No," I said confused, "I'm an only child."

"Sounds like heaven." Jungkook said dryly, "But then why do you always smell like the same guy?"

"Uhh-" I get that Jungkook's sense of smell was a lot stronger than mine but how the fuck did he know the gender of whatever person's scent was on me, "Dunno."

I thought for a moment wether there was a guy I was regularly spending time with before class but couldn't think of any. Then it dawned me.

"Ohh, yeah." I giggled, "Are you perhaps talking about the guy I was sitting next to in the bus?"

That Awkward Magic ◆ JeonJungkook✔Where stories live. Discover now