Four - Little Red Riding Hood

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What I do as a witch is mostly about herbs, potions and spiritual stuff. Gran gran always said that being a witch basically means being deeply connected to the nature.

So I suppose that it was just natural that, whenever something was on my mind, I tended to the calm forest behind Grandma's old house.

It was always quiet here, bird chirping and the crunching of leaves underneath my feet being the only sounds around.

When it rained, the whole place was engulfed by the heavenly scent that the weather brought with it and I was able to fully relax out there.

There's no on else here, besides me. No loud noises or weird classmates that make me uncomfortable. Only me.

I skipped through the forest, feeling a little bit like the little red riding hood while climbing over large roots and picking up flowers from the ground or leaves from low hanging branches on my way thoughtlessly.

Grandma would probably scold me for this.

The wind felt cooling on my skin, taking me far away - over the city, over the mountains and the sea, to a foreign place.

I heard leaves crunching further away and closed my eyes while walking down the familiar path, enjoying the sounds.

But when I opened them again I stopped abruptly.

The 'little red riding hood' feeling got a little too real just now.

In front of me, only a few meters away, stood a wolf. A fucking wolf.


I mean, yeah, this forest was pretty untouched but it was still one near Seoul. There are no wolves in fucking Seoul.

Immobile, I stared at the animal in front of me, that seemed just as shocked, not moving an inch either while it stared me down with those ember colored eyes.

I was wary, of course, but weirdly, I wasn't scared.

The animal in front of me may have been huge, born to hunt down and kill it's prey - but it looked so majestic, with it's silver-ish, soft fur and piercing eyes.

The wolf cocked its head to the side, a curious gesture as if it was asking me to introduce myself.

My lips twitched upwards as this thought crossed my mind and I felt myself grin slightly, though I slowly started to take a few steps backwards, hoping to get some space between me and the quite dangerous predator.

At first, the wolf jerked forwards, as if it wanted to follow me, but eventually just settled in watching me leave, until I disappeared behind the trees and finally turned around to run home after this unreal encounter.

"Gran gran!" I shouted while pushing open the back door, "You're never gonna believe what I just saw!"

Grandma laughed when I stormed into the kitchen, wide-eyed like a little kid, "What is it that you're so excited about?"

"A wolf! Gran gran I saw a mother fucking wolf!" I'm glad that we'd gotten rid of that ridiculous swear jar a long time ago.

"In Seoul?" She asked skeptical, side-eyeing me while starting to brew her beloved tea.

"I couldn't believe it either." I admitted, slumping down ungracefully into one of the old wooden chairs, "But I swear, I saw one!"

"How strange..." She said, mumbling something under her breath I didn't understand. Then she looked back at me, "Maybe you met your familiar!"

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