One - The Back Of The Classroom

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All good teenage romance stories start with a transfer student, right?

No, wait, all cliché teenage romance stories start with a transfer student.

I'd like to think that my story isn't that cliché, but then again, it did start with a transfer student.

I remember listening to Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood, trying my best to blend out the other's screaming while doodling a bunch of random things onto page 42 of my biology book.

Cause it's too coldddd woah--

Not being disturbed by anyone in the first class of the day came close to a wonder, but today seemed to be my lucky day (jokes on me for believing that) and I happily kept on doodling, ignoring my teacher entering the class with stubborn ehtusiam.

So let me holddd woah--

"Good morning class," Mr. Choi said, clearing his throat noisily, "I'd like you all to calm down now, so that we can start quickly."

What an idiot he was to believe that would work.

Still, I felt bad for the poor man trying to tame this horde of Hyenas, so I put my earbuds out, stored my phone away safely in my bag and sat up straight, ready to act as if I was listening to another boring class.

"Where's the new one?" I heard a girl whose name I never bothered to learn whisper-yell to her friend on the other side of the class room, who shrugged helplessly, looking mildly panicked.

Another annoying pest for me to endure?

If only I'd known how accurate my thought had been, I wouldn't've been as calm.

Right on cue, the door to the classroom opened with a bang, probably giving the ones sitting next to the entrance a stroke, and a panting boy barged in.

"H-Hi! Hel-lo. Sorry." He wheezed, resting both his hands against his knees while trying to catch his breath.

While the others were staring at the sweaty idiot my eyes twitched over to Mr. Choi who looked just the right amount of dumbfounded, mumbling a small, "Oh, uhm... okay."

Maybe class is gonna be interesting today, I thought when I looked back at the panting stranger who had barely regained his composure and was now urgently apologizing to the teacher about being too late and just barging in like that and what not.

His tie wasn't done properly, the two upper buttons of his shirt - which wasn't tucked in at all -left open, a bunch of dangly, silver piercings decorating his ears, and I don't wanna sound like that person but the way he wore his school uniform said a lot about him.


-and this comes from a person who doesn't even know how to button her shirt correctly.

"Well, as you can see guys-" Mr. Choi - who had finally been able to comprehend this situation - began, "We have a new student who transferred here from Busan. If you'd please introduce yourself Mr. Jeon..."

'Mr. Jeon' straightened up, brushing off the non-existent dust of his clothes, just to graze us with his endearingly awkward smile, "Eh- Hi. Im Jeon Jungkook, I'm from Busan, like Mr. Choi said already. Hope we'll get along."

As I was able to look into his face I kind of understood why the other girls were so excited to meet him - This Jungkook guy was a little hottie.

Long, messy locks fell into his face, somehow reminding me of an anime character, with large, round eyes that looked meltingly soft when he smiled. Pointy canines and white sparkly teeth flashed when he gave the entire class a tooth paste commercial worthy grin, that had something cheeky, yet adorably sheepish. All over, he looked like someone who could become pretty popular, but--

"Alright class." Our teacher announced, "Who'll accept Jungkook-ssi as their seat mate?"

-- no matter how cute he was, no one wanted to sit with the weird, awkward newbie who just made the most embarrassing entrance possible.

Choi's eyes scanned over the rows of seats in a hawk-ish manner and I tried to hide away without turning his attention on me but it was to no good.

The teacher's face lit up and he beamed, "Ah! Behind Y/N there's a free seat!"

The new one smiled happily and skipped over to the back of the class, where I felt myself shrinking into my chair each second.

That's what you get for always wanting to sit alone, stupid bitch

And as if the whole situation wasn't bad enough already did this weirdo decide to just do the oddest thing possible and leaned down to fucking sniff me.

"What the-" I whispered, confused, feeling the hairs on my neck rise when he came too close for a mili second, before sitting down at the very back, right behind me.

Ugh. Creepy.

I tried not to think about this too much and decided to ignore his presence for the rest of the time.

But sadly Jungkook seemed to have other plans. Because as Choi went on with his lesson, carefully introducing the topic so that the newbie could catch up, Jungkook seemed unable to leave me alone.

Sometimes I felt a foot kicking my chair from behind (what were his legs that long for anyways?), sometimes I even had paper crumbles thrown after me. But everytime I turned around he wasn't even looking at me.

I groaned quietly. This. This was the exact reason for why I chose to sit alone. The fucking audacity of this kid to just barge into my class and piss me off for no reason.

I wasn't that well-behaved when it came to my temper, and I never really tried to train this quality of mine. So, when the transfer student annoyed me during biology class I of course lashed out on him.

"What the fuck is your problem, fucktard?" I hissed, turning around at him angrily.

I watched Jungkook's expression go from surprised to satisfied within a mili-second, a small grin appearing on his face; the kind of grin that makes you want to punch some one.

"Is there a problem Miss Y/N?" Mr. Choi - who totally heard me (just like the rest of the class) - asked, slightly disgruntled.

I turned back around, trying to forget that shit eating grin of Jungkook and shook my head, "No sir. I'm sorry."

The teacher nodded, going back to teaching us about whatever topic we were at right now.

Soon after, the chair-kicking and paper-throwing picked up again. Was this dude even paying attention to class? This was his first fucking day.

Honestly, I wanted to strangle a bitch in the moment, not used to situations like that.

What was up with that Jungkook kid anyways. Why was he so adamant on annoying me and why the fuck was he so happy about accomplishing it?


welcome to Amy's next shitposting

(also look at the pic at the beginning - that's sorta what he looks like in this fic)

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