Sixteen - Two Different Sides

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Y/N was late. Not late as in 'too late for classes', just later than usual.

She's always the first to enter class. Jungkook should know this since he'd started coming a lot earlier just for the sake of spending some time with her alone in an empty classroom. Even if she was never very vocal this early in the morning. Or in general.

He started feeling restless when more and more students entered the room, but Y/N was still no where to be seen, to the point where he was glancing around like a fucking idiot, thinking that she sat down somewhere else.

But nope, she didn't show up. His first thought was that maybe she had gotten sick, but this wasn't very likely, considering how very much healthy she'd been yesterday.

Miss Choi wasn't there yet.

Maybe Jungkook still had some time left.

The young shifter stood up abruptly, chair screeching over the floor as he did so, making heads turn in his directions questioningly.

"I- uhm-" Jungkook gestured towards the entrance door embarrassed, quickly deciding to just shut up and go find his friend.

He rushed down the corridors until he made it outside, first destination being the bus station Y/N always get's off.

As he ran down the street, towards the station, a certain scent hit him, coming from a smaller side alley.

Another shifter

An agitated one at that

The boy did not have a very good feeling about this, the deeper he walked into the alley, the stronger the scent got, soon accompanied by another scent; Her scent. 

His steps quickened when he noticed the fear her usually heavenly scent was radiating - something shifters were naturally good to pick up.

He turned around a corner, promptly stumbling into the horrific scene of an older guy pressing his Y/N against the wall of an old building, one hand wrapped around her throat tightly.

"Back off bastard." Jungkook's immediate reaction was to growl these words angry, making the guy startle.


Something in Jungkook's brain just went completely rigid, as if a switch had been turned off and he didn't have the power to control his movements anymore. 

He saw pure, vivid, red when he pulled that dirty mud off of her. It felt straight out satisfying when he punched him, smashing his ugly face into the wall right next to the poor girl that had broken down onto the floor in shock.

Only when he'd made sure that the other shifter was unconscious did he calm down, slowly turning around to Y/N, who was kneeling on the wet street, staring at the passed out dude, whose nose was bleeding onto the concrete, coloring it in a dirty red.

The sight of her looking utterly horrified seemed to activate his conscious mind again, because he moved quickly to pull her up, shaking as he hugged her.

"Fucking hell, bunny." He rasped, feeling the adrenaline leave his body, leaving him feeling cold and light-headed.

She remained quiet, not complaining when he proceeded to bury his face in the crook of her neck, where he scented her thoroughly, in an attempt to calm both of them.

"I was worried when you didn't show up. Cause- uh..." He lost track of his thoughts for a moment there, the proximity throwing him off, making him react in a way he'd usually be embarrassed of, "Cause you're never late. I- that confused me. I was worried."

"Y-Yeah. Thank you Jungkook. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't show up."

Terrible images flashed up in his mind and he winced internally, the sudden fear of something like that happening to her making him press her even closer.

"Everything's alright now, Bunny. Try and calm down." He tried to calm her, wanting to be of somewhat help to her.

"Jesus Christ. How did you even do that?" She asked dully, referring to the bastard laying on the dirty street.

"Practice, I guess." He answered, admittedly embarrassed.

"Do you know what he wanted?"

 "I guess his wolf laid a claim on you already. Which means that, in his head, you were his possession. He just didn't realize you weren't actually." Jungkook tried his best to explain.

He wasn't particularly fond of this side of shifters. Their mating behavior was way too extreme, their sex drive straight out violent; Jungkook hated that these rather animalistic traits were part of his nature.

"It's kinda fucked up if you ask me." He sighed.

"Did your wolf..." Y/n looked away, gesturing awkwardly, "Do that too with me?"



He forgot about that one.

What was he supposed to do? Lie to her?

"Uhm- well- you see-" Jungkook knew he was blushing, he just knew it, "I-It's not really something we can control- it's just a matter of wether we can separate our wolves' feelings from ours and-"


He sighed sadly, "Yeah. It did."

"Unsurprisingly." She commented dryly, detaching the clingy shifter from her body.

She tried really hard to sound as if she didn't care, but Jungkook saw worry flash through her eyes.

oh no- she's gonna get the wrong idea, he thought panicked, she's gonna think I don't actually like her and it's just my wolf who is interested in her and she's gonna think that I just see her as some kind of possession and that I'm just friends with her because my wolf wants to rail her and- and-

"But I was interested in you before my wolf was!" He said out loudly, regretting it right after.



"Uh, nothing. I just- I don't want you to think that I... see you as a thing, you know?" He said more serious, looking away, "That's not... who I am. I'm a decent being, unlike this guy-" he kicked the other shifter laying on the floor.

"Yeah, whatever this means for shifters." She grumbled, totally referring to the many times he's invaded her personal space without being aware of it.

But although she tried to hide it - she looked relieved. It surprised Jungkook that she didn't ask any questions about what this - Jungkook's wolf having laid a claim on her - meant for them and Jungkook specifically. 

The boy hated that he never knew what was going through her head, that he could never even guess what she was thinking, but for now he settled with being happy that she didn't seem to be disgusted by him.

"Bunny I- I'm very much able to separate my feeling from those of my wolf, so don't worry. My wolf doesn't influence me in any way. I won't act like this bastard over there." He felt the need to reassure her one more time.

She nodded, blessing him with a small smile, "I trust your words, Jeon."


He smiled back, "I'll make sure not to disappoint you."

"Of course." She stated dryly, patting his shoulder, "Let's go back to class, shall we?"

"W-Wait-" He stumbled after her, "Are you sure you are alright? Do you not want me to tell the teacher that you won't attend school today?"

She stopped, just to turn around with an ironic smile on her lips, "How fragile do you think I am, Kook? I'm fine, really."

He wasn't very happy with this. She had just been fucking attacked, "You promise you're fine?"

She sighed, "Yeah, promised."


I'm cold

my room's cold


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