Twenty Nine - Turning Childish

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"Sounds like my parents were cool people." I muttered smiling.

Hiro nodded, some of the spark I'd seen in the old pictures awakening in his eyes, "They were, believe me. Eunwoo was even supposed to become pack leader."

"Wait does that mean you could've been my pack leader's daughter?" Jungkook asked alarmed, head whipping around.

I small laughter escaped my lips, "Why is that your main issue right now?"

"I mean- that would've been like dating royalty."

"Wait a sweet second, we ain't dating son."

"I just meant that-"


Hiro watched us amused, until a small 'huh?' left his lips and he cocked his head to the side, making us look at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, I'm happy to see that you're just like Kira. It's just that- eh- Jungkook, well... you might wanna do something about this pre-rut of his."

Fucking hell

"W-What?" Jungkook asked nervously, faked innocence fooling no one.

Rut - time period during which a shifter's sex drive is the highest, sending them into a literal mania. As nasty as it sounds (and also is) it's not very pleasant for the shifter in question; They experience strong pain, are highly aggressive and possessive during rut periods, unable to act on their own will. They are pretty much controlled by their wolf part through out this time.

This happens, like, two or three times a year and is comparable to a girl's period I suppose - just a little (okay, a lot) more extreme.

I've researched enough about shifters to know what pre-rut means and oh boy, I can't believe I didn't notice.

The reason why Jungkook was so much more clingy lately? Pre-rut.

During the couple of days before a rut starts, shifters are much easier to irritate and a lot more possessive and well, you guessed it - needier.

"Junkook? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked seriously.

He looked away sheepishly, "I wanted to be by your side when you meet your uncle.... I'm sorry."

I can't be mad at him like that now, can I?

"Jungkook, you should've stayed at home!" I tried to scold him anyways.

"I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible before it starts," He protested whining, "Because during  the next days I won't be even able to see you at all."

I sighed, burying my face in my hands.

This was too much for one day.

Not only have I just been told about my parent's entire past, no, now I also had to deal with a young shifter in pre-rut.

"Are you- are you mad at me, Bunny?" Jungkook asked, wide eyes filled with shame.

I glanced at him, shaking my head slowly, "No. It's fine. I get it, really."

"Well-" Hiro stood up on wobbly legs, supporting himself with both hands on the old dining table, "As a responsible adult I should probably send your little friend home now..."

He looked sorrowful, eyes lingering on me regretfully, "Will you visit me soon, Y/N?"

I smiled, nodding certainly, "I will... I promise, uncle Hiro."

And although he was as pale as a sheet of paper, although his cheeks looked hollow and eyes tired like nothing I'd seen before; He smiled, brightly and proudly.

"See you then, little Kira."


Namjoon smiled when he spotted us walking towards the car, Jungkook clinging to my arm as if he'd float away when he let go.

"How was it Y/N? Didn't expect you to be back so soon- JESUS CHRIST JUNGKOOK YOU'RE SPREADING YOUR STENCH ALL OVER MY CAR!"

"Sorry Hyung." Jungkook whined embarrassed, clearly ashamed of his lack of self control.

"As you can see, Jungkook's in pre-rut." I dead panned, crossing my arms in front of my chest after slumping down in the passenger seat.

"C'mere to me, Bunny!" Jungkook protested in the back.

We both ignored him decidedly.

"Oh, that's... unfortunate." Namjoon sighed, glaring at the idiot in the back seat, "I apologize on Jungkook's behalf for ruining your family reunion."

"I already said I'm sorry!" Jungkook cried out.

"It's okay, really." I waved it off, "I got what I wanted, so let's just go back."

"Should I drop you off at your home?" Namjoon proposed very considerately, "I'm sure you have a lot to talk about with your Grandmother."

I just nodded, grateful for Namjoon's endless understanding.

"Can't she stay with us a bit longer? Please?" Jungkook looked like he was about to cry and I couldn't believe that I'm actually friends with that moron.

"No, Jungkook." His Hyung answered decidedly, "I wanna get you away from her as quickly as possible."

I heard him mutter angrily to himself, not able to keep myself from grinning at his mega childish behavior.

"There we are." Namjoon sighed when he stopped in front of our house, turning around in his seat, "What do we say, Jungkook?"

-the boy mumbled something inaudible

Gosh, was the rut deleting braincells?

"I didn't hear you...." The older shifter said warningly.

"I said, goodbye!" Jungkook huffed out sulking.

I laughed, reaching back to ruffle his hair before hopping out of the car.

I felt his eyes locked on my figure when I entered the house.


Min Yoongi's eyes lingered on the calm streets outside of his window.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose, headache worming its way into his skull. He'd been told he had a quite thick skull - though this probably referred to his usual stubbornness.

A grunt left his lips when he slumped down in the old leather seat in front of his desk, "What should I do?" He mumbled to himself, "My fated pair is an asshole and our problem child just went into rut."

He watched a couple of sparrows fly past the glass of his window, watched them dance through the air so freely and carelessly.

"At least..." He muttered, "I don't have to worry about Eunwoo's daughter anymore."

He'd promised Lin Moira not to tell anyone of her existence. But he'd also told her that, if Y/N wanted to know about her parents, he wouldn't stop her from finding out about the truth.

Moira had agreed to that compromise. She didn't have a reason to hold this after him.

Yoongi's lips twitched when he remembered holding her for the first time - this weak, tiny being, bundled up in a blanket, crying for her mother who wasn't there anymore.

He'd cried too, back then. A lot. He missed Eunwoo and Kira.

Knowing that their child was well and healthy, somewhere out there always gave him a piece of peace.

He spun around in his old chair, now facing the large desk, "Looks like you turned out just fine, Y/N."


how are my children


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