character information

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name: Kitsune Shiori

gender: female

age: 18 (same age as Atsushi)

blood type: AB

cup size: D

birthday: March 16

hair length: waste length

size: ‎150 cm (7'7") (idk what size is Atsushi but kitsune is about shoulder size ^w^; )

appearance: white hair, yellow eyes, wears a white tank top with a gray shirt underneath with gray sweatshirt, she wears gray shorts while wearing gray thigh-length socks and gray high heel boot with fake fur with a red stripe on one side and a white choker.

ability: white of the wise

she has the ability to turn her limbs and whole body (like Atsushi) into a nine-tailed fox for speed, defense, strength, agility, sight, hearing, smell, and vibration, she will be able to withstand with her ability that can attack any enemies and jump in high places, her form of a fox is about the same size as Atsushi when he transformed into a tiger, she can calm anyone who's ability is out of control from the touch of her tiny paw and the deep eye contact that they'll pass out and start to fall asleep for 6 hours, but they can be awake if someone shakes them or tell them to wake up, she got control of her ability and has no limit, but she'll get tired when blood is weakening her.

her nine-tailed fox appearance:

her nine-tailed fox appearance:

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likes: tea on rice, reading, clothes shopping, jokes, dazai, kunikida, tea, cheesecake, take notes, tigers, Tiger Lily, ranpo, kids

dislike: spices, port mafia, Kyoka (most of the time but when she's around Atsushi, she gets jealous), the guild, seeing the once she cares hurt

family: Kyatto Shiori (mother: deceased ) Tsūze Shiori (father: deceased ) Myūzu Shiori (older brother: deceased) 

her past:

when kitsune was 5 she discovered that her family died and got away from the people that killed them, she had no place to go, but when she got to the orphanage everyone starts to hate her because of what she looks, they didn't go near her, she feels isolated and no one gives her the love she needs like her family dose before they died when she noticed a certain boy with albino hair and purple and yellow eyes, he's been abused and the owner of the orphanage and the caretakers start to give negative comments and make him go through hell, she has an urge to protect, so when everyone is asleep she changes into her fox form and helped the boy with and start to give him positive  ways to do it, but by the time she turns 12, they kicked her out but she never left so she hides and waits for the right moment for the boy to come out, and when time passes, the boy got kicked out and started to walk, the girl in fox form follows him and will be there to protect him, but she keeps a low key to make sure he's not gonna she her follow him.

fox of the night | Atsushi Nakajima X OCWhere stories live. Discover now