S2 Chapter 20

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kitsune's POV:

me and myuzu are running to where Atsushi is before our battle with Q is finish, I had a bad feeling that he would be alone and Francis will capture him, I'm scared of losing the love of my life from a boss from the guild.

i was running in my fox form from my ability while my brother is running in his snow leopard form once we made it to the bridge I saw three figures, one on the ground is atsushi, the other is Francis and the red robe is kyouka, she then dash to Francis and cut him barely in his neck.

she takes Atsushi and jumps off a bridge they landed on the boat leaving Francis standing in defense, but he'll not give up that easily.

the then turns in our direction and stare at us.

Francis's POV:

"good grief" I sigh, I was about to go back to base until I saw a giant fox with nine tails and a snow leopard looking at me.

my eyes widen when I saw the leopard change into a young adult male with priest rope, white hair and yellow eyes glaring at me along with the fox beside him glaring at me also.

he climbed on the fox's back and start to run following my prize and the girl on the boat.

then my eyes start to widen that would pop out of my skulls when I realized who they were.

i smirked widely at their retreating form from the distance.

"so....the famous shiori siblings are alive, well not only will I have the tiger but I'll also need a fox fur coat, let's see how strong these two are till we meet again." I chuckled and start to walk off.

kitsune's POV:

I kept running while myuzu holds tightly on my fur while following Atsushi's sent, after we finished our walk and bond with my big bro, we stumbled upon Kōyō Ozaki, the executive of the port mafia.


myuzu and I walked inside the office, but stopped when we saw Koyo, she widen her eyes slightly at us, but more so my brother than me.

"kitsune....myuzu....I thought I'd never see you both again...and myuzu, you're alive and you look....different, you had red eyes and blonde hair, you've changed," she said a little surprised to see him.

my bro sighs and then responded, "yeah, it takes a lot more than bullet and fire to kill me, I was just having some bonding time with my little sister and catching up on a lot of things."

she then looks at me and smiled at me like she had missed me when I was gone, from the night I ran away just to get away from those monsters that kill my parents.

she walks over to me and she gently stroke my hair, "kitsu, you have grown so much, you have such beauty like a flower blooms in the light." she said but frowns a little and looks at my brother, "I need to talk to your sister alone, I promise I will not harm her."

he hesitated but nodded and walks out of the office to wait.

Koyo grabbed my hand and we walked over to the couch she takes a seat on the couch while I sat on the other.

"my little fox...i always knew that you'd end up here, mori told me you have been here longer for what you told him and so do chuuya, I know our abilities are different which makes us enemies but I assure you, we're no threat to you, and kyouka told me that white of the wise and demon snow never get along, it's funny how your ability never get along with golden demon, you use to be a young girl back there, but from what I heard you and that boy have a strong connection, you both where inseparable your like yin and yang, fighting till the very end." she said.

fox of the night | Atsushi Nakajima X OCWhere stories live. Discover now