chapter 6

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kunikida POV:

"What is the ideal? the question seems to be getting more questions, is it merely a concept? a lofty notion? or the goal of all life itself? if you were to ask me, however, the answer is quite simple, the words rest on the front of my notebook, encasing its meaning, the ideal everything about me is written here,

my day today shcethual my long term goals, my future is forever bound to this notebook."

kitsune POV:

I had walked out of my apartment to head to the office of the agency, I adjust my choker while walking to the office, I saw everyone look at me and whispers nice commits of how it happened yesterday, it's been on the newspapers that said 'a detective fox girl solves a great case' and they all appreciate me, I haven't gotten nice comments from everyone in years, it felt great to get the attention that I once deserved, I smiled at myself for it.

i arrived at the agency right on time, I walked to the elevator and headed up to the office, once I'm out of the elevator, I open the door and once I stepped in, I was dumbfounded.

i saw dazai pinching kunikida while talking like he's in the afterlife, and Atsushi all tied up trying to get out.

"what in the name of all things that is holy is going on when I arrived?" I asked confused.

dazai looks up and saw me with a smile that is not normal, he let's go of kunikida and jumps down from the desk and charge towards me.

"kitsune! you came! you should join the afterlife with me! you're gonna love it!" he shouts in his high pitch voice.

on instinct when he draws closer to me, I quickly grab his wrist and twisted it, he yelps in pain and I roundhouse kick him in the face and he flew and hit the wall face first.

"sorry! it's my instinct that just kicked in!" I shouted, I run towards Atsushi and helped him out.

once I cut him out of his tight hold, he looks at me in awe and I could see a dust of pink on his cheeks.

"are you okay? was dazai try to commit suicide by eating a mushroom that the book tells him to?" I asked.

he got out of his trance and shakes it off while he answered "y-yeah I'm okay, and how did you know that?"

"I can smell mushroom from his breath while I roundhouse kick him," I said while making that face. (T_T)

"you two" i heard kunikida say, and we look at him simultaneously "we should get going."

-time skip-

i walked beside Atsushi while following kunikida and dazai was behind us, apparently, we're doing the Azura the message case, there has been a case of eleven missing people that had been gone without a trace, I really don't like the looks of it.

when we got to the warehouse, kunikida told us that he needs to get information from its source, I follow them downstairs and I saw a male with a white sweater over his blue shirt looking over a giant fish, and let me tell you he has a huge fish.

his name is Rokuzō Taguchi, he's Information Broker, and he's been talking about Azura but I stay quiet when they talk.

-time skip-

we're at a cab driving to an abandoned hospital where the kidnapping takes place, when we arrived me, Atsushi and dazai walked ahead, but kunikida walked behind.

"kunikida, you can't be this scared, there's nothing in this hospital," I said.

"speak for yourself girl, have you watch that horror movie? the first victim that ever goes alone when being split, they died!" he said hogging his notebook.

fox of the night | Atsushi Nakajima X OCWhere stories live. Discover now