chapter 7

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kitsune's POV:

once i was fully healed i had finished the meaning with the azure king that just planted a bomb somewhere in Yokohama, I was in the office typing research and the location of the bomb, I didn't bother asking for help, I have my experience of training from my big brother and father.

I'm as smart as anyone thinks after I told everyone in the agency about my solo mission when I helped officer ejiro i had great skills from what kunikida told me the other day after my fight with akutagawa.

"kitsune?" I looked up and saw the agency's doctor yosano, she looked at me with curiosity written all over her, "I was wondering where you've been, haven't see you since the meeting finished." she said while grabbing a chair and sat next to me.

"cause i have to find the location of the bomb and shut down Azura once and for all, if I can find the perfect location to where it is." I said while continuing to locate the bomb.

yosano looks impressed and stare at me in amazement with a little smirk on her face, "now i start to see how dazai choose someone like you to be in the agency, your very smart." she said.

"yeah, I have my years of training with my brother and father when it comes to things like this, I'm just as strong and clever when it comes to harm's way, if Azura the king planted the bomb somewhere in Yokohama, I can somehow shut it down, the bomb can be different then the bombs i cut, it can't be deactivated by cutting the wire, can be shut down by motion if you have the safety key, and if that bomb doesn't be disarmed by sunset, the explosion will go off and set the city in flames." I said in a serious tone while typing, yosano was shocked to know that I know those things.

once I have found the location, I look into it and know where it could be, my eyes widen then start to realize that Atsushi, dazai and kunikida are going there, I look out the window and see that sun starts to go down where it's near the waters, I got up fast that causes my chair to fall and run off.

""where are you going?" yosano asked.

"I found the bomb, I'm going after dazai, kunikida and atsushi!" I shout and open the window then jump to the building while activating my ability then start to run and jump from building to building sniffing out the boys.

yosano's POV:

I was shocked that she jump out the window and landed safely with her ability, I look at her computer and was more shocked that she knew the location of the bomb, I smirked at this, 'clever girl, she did learn things from what she did.' I thought, from the corner of my eye I saw a photo frame, I grabbed the frame and peek at the photo, I was surprised to see that it's a family photo, from the back left is a man with white hair, gray eyes, gray pants with black jeans with a smile on his face, from the back right, is a blonde woman with yellow eyes, her kimono is green with pink petals, I got to tell you, this woman had fashion since, she had her arms wrapped around the man's waist while his hand is on her shoulder, from the front left is a boy I think is age 15-16 has blonde hair, red eyes, red jacket, black shirt and pants, and finally a little girl at age five wears all white, and she had white hair and yellow eyes, she wears white kimono with a white bow tie in the back of her head with a huge smile wrapping her arms around the boy's leg.

'this photo must be her family, the two couple must be her parents, and that boy must be her big brother' I thought.

i smiled a little and put the frame back to it's rightful spot at her work desk.

"she must miss her family so much that it broke her.....i felt sorry for her." I thought out loud.

i sighed then I got up, "if anyone can fix her, it's Atsushi." I said to myself I know this cause I see the way he looks at her with a flustered face during their test and worries about her, let's hope that tiger can fix that fox's heart.

fox of the night | Atsushi Nakajima X OCWhere stories live. Discover now