S2 Chapter 13

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A/N: just bear with me on this, I know it's base on season 3 instead of season two, but it'll have an opportunity to know kitsune's older brother when he'll soon meet dazai and chuuya, the trio will be 15 at the time when he's in the mafia, hope you all enjoy.

myuzu POV:

I was walking on the streets trying to find, the perfect gift as a present, so I can give later my little sister is turning three in two weeks and I need to find her a very good gift, if I had known my sister well, she's obsessed with white tigers, and she finds them cute.

a cub yes but adult tigers are dangerous, but that's not the case.

i was in Yokohama foreign settlement in suribaji city (I didn't do it right ^^; ) I kept looking and just to be careful and get my guard up for any danger.

all of a sudden I hear a ring, I follow and hide behind the wall of the ally and see the old guy and a boy my age in bandages, I can't make out what he's saying, all I can make out is 'boss'  but out of nowhere, the flash of light hits the boy from behind without him being alert.

a loud crash was heard, I moved the other way to get a closer look, when the dust clears I saw the boy being pinned by another boy my age underneath his foot.

the boy laughed and starts to speak, "this is perfect, it's just a kid they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel, those port mafia."

the boy in bandages start to speak to the red hair boy, "I think you should know I really hate pain."

the redhead speaks again, "I'm gonna give you two choices, die now, or die after giving me information, either is fine with me."

I widen my eyes in surprise and unsettling, I've always heard of the port mafia, they're the organization that can murder anyone as their targets, it's good that my family didn't cross paths with them.

i stopped and hear the bandaged guy talking, "kill me now then...if you can make it painless all the better."

then the redhead talks, "sheesh, what kind of suicidal punk are you?"

'you're a punk too.' I thought with a deadpanned face.

"you"re a punk too you know." the bandaged guy said what I thought.

"except unlike you, I'm not just any punk." the redhead said.

"enough of this chit-chat, tell me about this arahabaki you're looking for," he said surprising me that he know this arahabaki.

i heard about it before, if I remember 6 or 7 years ago, arahabaki is trapped inside a human, I only know it because my mom can see the future for that, and warn me about it.

"oh?" the brown hair started, "arahabaki?" he then smirks that I didn't like to see, but to be honest my fox smirk is way scarier than this, "how interesting so that' the target."

"you've heard about it then." the redhead speaks.

the brown head replies, "Nope, never have." which is a poor choice of words, the small redhead kicks him in the face that makes my eyes go wide and places his foot back to his torso.

"those who step into the sheep's teratory will be met with vicious retaliation, I see...so you're the king of the sheep, chuuya Nakahara manipulator of gravity ." the bandaged guy said.

i was very shocked to hear his words from his mouth, my mom told me about two people in her future that I will run into, I have now found out that the redhead is chuuya Nakahara and the bandaged boy was one of the mafia members, Osamu dazai.

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