BSD season 2

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after when the silhouettes shadow fades, it shows the members of the armed detective agency, and kitsune will be in between Atsushi and dazai.

the scene shows the buildings of Yokohama, a moby dick, and Atsushi looking at the scene with kitsune next to him.

the next one is where Atsushi walks in the rain then stops in his tracks and looks up in the skies, he'd soon see an umbrella place above him then looks at his left to see kitsune next to him with a soft loving smile.

after the members of the port mafia show their action, dazai, and chuuya walk towards each other with myuzu shiori in the middle, then change to Atsushi, Akutagawa, and kitsune walking in their place, myuzu looks at the mafia version of dazai walking off with a small smile, and look at chuuya with a frown on his face.

the final scene of the opening is showing Francis and the guild members, Atsushi jumps towards Francis ready to attack, then he starts to flick showing himself, Akutagawa, and kitsune in the same fighting style as Atsushi.

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