chapter 8

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kitsune's POV:

it was late at night and I was walking home with bags of white clothing that I adore dearly like it's part of the arctic snow.

when i was halfway home walking pass the crowd, I sence an ability like an enemy is from the left side of me.

i look to my left and see a dark-haired girl with red kimono, a yellow belt tied to the waist, two flowers in her pig tails, and dark blue eyes.

i closed my eyes and start to smell her scent, it reeks of blood and port mafia on it, I give her a cold hard glare, without her seeing me.

'what is she planing?' i thought to myself.

i saw her walking forward and i saw caught the sleeve of a certain suicidal maniac that i know.

"can i help you?" i heard dazai said.

the girl bumbled something that i can't hear and start to open her flip phone.

i then saw that her ability appeared behind her and i saw dazai knocked out cold.

before she can pick up dazai, the girl's hand was mid-way from picking him up and turn in my direction.

when i made eye contact with her, i felt that everything gone dark, and my ability is behind me glaring at the girl's ability.

i widen my eyes and start to realize who this girl is.

her name is kyouka izuma, her likes are bunny rabbits and boild tofu, she hates Dogs and thunder.

and she killed 39 people.

i knew cause i done research on the port mafia, and she's one of them, she's an assassin, and kills her targets with her ability called demon snow.

i give her a nasty glare right into her emotionless eyes while white of the wise glares at demon snow.

the dark background faded and we stare at each other for a while before i turn away and leave, I would have save dazai but I'll find a way to get him back, one way or another.

~time skip~

i had already called kunikida that i need to take some time off and do some work over at the agency tomorrow no questions ask.

i take some more research on the port mafia from my computer that i need to know their strengths and weaknesses.

my brother use to work with the port mafia before he left after the death of his lover Tenshi, i felt bad for him that he's heartbroken.

when i looked up on black lizard that i have fought a week ago...sorry bad memory, i learn their names and their abilities, and i got to say, they seem strong to lead that group.

i also learn that the leader of the port mafia is named Ogai mori, he's the boss who runs the mafia and also a doctor, his ability is vita sexualis.

 i heard that Vita Sexualis allows Mori to summon and configure Elise's personality in any way he wills. As such, he can make her levitate, chase after an enemy at high speed, and make her save him from imminent peril by manipulating Elise as his ability. Moreover, he can notably summon Elise having a medical semblance and make her

and he can attack at an Offensive, Supplementary, and Close to Medium Range.

and i also search on port mafia's executives and caught two people that i found, Koyo Ozaki and chuuya Nakahara.

for koyo her ability is golden demon, and chuuya's ability is upon the tainted sorrow and he's the former council member and leader of the sheep.

but the only thing that caught my eye is the port mafia member none other then Motojirō Kajii.

fox of the night | Atsushi Nakajima X OCWhere stories live. Discover now