S2 Chapter 22

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kitsune's POV:

i was in a room with ango, sure he betray me, my brother, and dazai for leaving odasaku, but I have to give him a chance.

i feel like trying to talk to him again, but he needs to earn my trust again, I use to trust him when I was four and he use to take care of me under myuzu's permission, as I can remember that his partner Tenshi...he's heartbroken when she died.

he may never love again, but I know in my heart that he will find someone to hang around.

back to the matter at hand, ranpo and yosano got back with the moby dick's secret, and I was sitting next to ango in his bandaged body, dazai told me that he and ango got in a car crash.

i then break the silence "so...ango, nice to see you, it's been a long time, since....*sighs* the last time I saw you myuzu had to drop me off to oda or you, but I stay at oda's cause I don't trust you...you really hurt me ango, not physical, but mental." I turn to my left looking at him as I continue "I had cried when I find out that the only person that my brother trusted died four years ago, the kids also died, I never got to see him one last time before mimic killed him."

ango shifted his head a little making sure not to injured his neck even more.

"*sighs* I know...I'm sorry that I had to do that to you, I understand that I'll never be trusted by you, oda did tell me that you're special in your own way and he's right, you've grown to be a strong woman, and you can judge anyone that are good or bad, you and your brother are the only members of the shiori family still alive....I'm sorry for your parents' loss....they would be proud of you if their still alive."

I smiled a little at his words, he may have betray everyone, but he'll never betray me.

"thanks ango....excuse me, but I've got to go, I have to visit someone, and I feel that dazai will come in with gifts for you...sorry ango." I said and left the room and start to walk out of the agency.

-time skip-

I visited the grave in Yokohama, I walk pass the graves till a reach a certain grave I haven't visit in years.

S. oda

a dear friend and companion

I slowly sit on the dirted ground be careful not to my signature white outfit.

"hey oda...it's been four years, the agency are making a move so we can take down Francis for good...*sighs* dazai really missed you, you know that? *chuckles* he's still the same old dazai that I use to know, he's in the light path, but something else is still bothering him and I can't figure out what, I'm an almost copy of you, I was supposed to see right through him, but I never get through...hey...remember what I told you that I'll find the tiger and you didn't believe me one bit? *chuckles* well....i found him and prove you wrong...." I stay silent for a moment, then I place my hand on oda's gravestone, "I miss you oda, I wish you could guide me in fighting, the guild's strategist Louisa is a few steps ahead of us, and they're gonna take atsushi away form me, so please, show me the way to protect the people we love...please..." I said with my voice cracking and tears run down my cheeks.

then I start to felt a pair of eyes watching me, I look up and see a white bird looking at me from the tree.

it flew to me and landed on my shoulder, I then start to see Atsushi in the moby dick with Akutagawa and me fighting Francis and won.

'c-could it be...' I thought.

i then snap back to reality and look at the bird in shock.

it nuzzled my cheek, like a hand stroke my face and flew away leaving a white feather falling, I reached out and grabbed it.

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