chapter 10

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kitsune's POV:

i lay my back on the wall while looking at Atsushi resting while his ability regenerating him.

i smiled at him knowing that he'll be okay, if the battle between him and Akutagawa will go down, I have to be by Atsushi's side and protect him with my will, heart and soul, that what my family wants me to do before they died by the hands of these filthy people with their plan to get their hands on the were-tiger.

my thoughts comes to mind that I thought that I need to know....where is dazai?

i drifted off to sleep till the would on my body would heal that Akutagawa's ability had inflicted on me and let my ability do it's work, I start to sleep and let the darkness take over.

Dazai's POV:

"next time you won't be so lucky!" chuuya said in a girls voice while he cross his legs and pointed at me with one hand and the other on his chest like a shy girl.

i try so hard not to laugh.

"you....won't be so lucky? JEEZ YOU COULD AT LEAST LAUGH!" he yelled then turn his heels and start to walk off.

before he could make his way, I ask him the very important question that I had to say, "hey didn't you know that the name kitsune shiori ring a bell?"

chuuya's POV:

"hey didn't you know that the name kitsune shiori ring a bell?"

I stopped in my tracks and my eyes widen when I heard idiot dazai bring out the name shiori.

i remember that name back when dazai and I used to be partners that the three of us went on a mission that i'd know that name back when we're use to be together.


"chu, come on you know you'll just be used to much alcohol that you can't think straight, it's not good for your health!" I hear myuzu say in a worried and demanding manner.

"shut up shiori! i had to try it, besides it's my first time!" I yell at him

"*sighs* chuuya you can't just go around and to whatever, I know you hate dazai, but you can't just drink your problems away, we're fifteen, and I really need to get home to my family, and kitsune will be worried sick." he said.

~flashback end~

after recalling those memories, myuzu is the only responsible person in the mafia to keep everyone in check, especially dazai and I.

dazai's POV:

I saw chuuya turn around with an expression of worry and curiosity.

"is i heard her family got killed by those people that want the were-tiger," he asked me.

i answer with a frown on my face "yeah she is, ever since her parents and myuzu died, she's been in that orphanage that she got kicked out with Atsushi, she acts like nothing bothered her but on the inside, she's in pain to remember her families death in front of her own eyes as a six-year-old.

i looked at chuuya and he tilts his hat to cover his sorrowful eyes remembering our third partner's death since he quit the mafia.

then chuuya said, "if you see kitsu, tell her that chuuya Nakahara will give my regards and a happy thinks for being alive."

he then leaves the room.

i smiled for his message for kitsu, "I will." I said.

kitsune's POV:

when I was finally healed i heard an explosion i ran out and see that the ship sinking, then I saw Akutagawa staring at a motionless kyouka.

he was gonna kill her but I see Atsushi save her and left her to rest to regain her strength.

i had to sit on the sidelines watching the fight, the fight was so intense that it's an ability standoff, when I look at Akutagawa's eyes I see the hatred that he give sending shivers running down my spine.

his ability is everywhere and it keeps piercing through Atsushi that takes almost ripped my heart, i can't let him die like that, he's my light to my darkness, hope to my well-being, and my strength to my weak heart.

the hate of Akutagawa grew stronger and his ability pierce through Atsushi again all over.

but to my surprise he's still standing.

he kept fighting and the adrenalin as run through his viens.

he delivered the final blow and i saw Akutagawa fell to the water with a hard punch.

i saw atsushi fell and hit the ground, then saw kyouka walk up to him and carry him, i still despise her for what she put us through, but i have to help not for her, but for atsushi.

"white of the wise!" i turn into a full nine-tailed fox and rush to them.

i run to them then lift them in the air and they landed on my back.

i run and jump off the ship and the explosion was heard behind me, i saw kunikida in a speedboat and land on my feet perfectly.

"you okay girl?" kunikida asked me.

i nodded in response to make sure to tell him that I'm okay.

i place kyouka and Atsushi on the floor of the boat and transform back to my normal form.

"they'll be fine, they just got knocked out from the last exploration." i said.

kunikuda nodded smiling and said, "great job at taking care of Atsushi, if it weren't for you, he'd be dead right now."

i nodded and look at the two of them.

i glared at kyouka, she's the reason i was taken and a reason to lead the mafia to him, none of this would have happened if it weren't for her!

kunikida knew what i was glaring at and said to me, "listen i know you can't trust her because of demon snow and her reason to take the kid along with you but, you have to at least treat her like she's human."

i glared daggers at kunikida and he stiff by seeing me glaring at him, if looks could kill, you'd be six feet under.

"i will never forgive for what she did kunikida, she ruins everything, she's a monster, a murderer, i hate her for trying to kill me and Atsushi, she never deserves kindness from me." i said with venom lace in my voice.

"i know but just treat her like she human, it's not her fault that she was used as a tool for the port mafia, but please, just this one time from me, please act like she's on of us." he begs me.

i start to think about it over, i still hate her, but if i had to welcome her with open arms, i had to pretend she's one of us, and I'm not doing this for her, I'm doing this for atsushi.

"fine, but that doesn't mean i will befriend her." i said

and once that's over we head to the ADA to tend Atsushi's wounds and taking care of him once he wakes up.

i hope nothing can go wrong.

sorry that was a long effort for me to finish this, but more chapters will be in soon once i get a good side track from the storylines hope you enjoy it, have a good day/evening ^w^

fox of the night | Atsushi Nakajima X OCWhere stories live. Discover now