chapter 9

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kitsune's POV:

I was walking around Yokohama for a little tour, the president gives me a 24-hour break from the fight on the train, kyouka is recovering from yesterday after the bomb goes off.

I never trusted that girl, she's the assassin that commits crimes by killing people because of her ability.

in fact, I never trusted her at all, she tries to kill Atsushi and I had to put an end to the fight.

my mom once told me of demon snow once when I was little, that she did that two abilities like white of the wise and demon snow are mortal enemies, she tells stories about how they fight until white of the wise won the fight.

now with demon snow as her ability, I'll never get along with her. EVER. 

I have to keep my guard up for it and I can't let those mafia's get Atsushi, he's the only thing I ever have, he's my friend...I wish that we're more than friends.

i brushed off the thought and start to blush.

when I look to the side of the road, I see Atsushi and kyouka at the entrance of china town, I'm happy to see him, but I'm not happy to see her, it really gets my blood boiled whenever I see them together.

'w-why am I feeling this way?....was that....jealousy?' I thought but I try to shake it off but my jealousy grew strong at this rate when I see those two alone.

i saw them on the move and I follow them without hesitation or second thought.

i saw them taking the tour of all Yokohama and I still don't like the idea of them seeing them together, it makes me upset seeing them looking around.

kyouka just pulled Atsushi to that stand that gives out crapes and that black-haired girl just stare and started eating it, and I saw Atsushi made that face when he had less money he spends for her, I felt really bad for him, if I were in his place, I'd spend a lot of things for the person I take, but I never do that.

i started to follow them again without them knowing I follow them, we're in a festival and i start to get irritated of that girl that i felt the big vein in my head pop, I grided my teeth in anger and frustration that happen to my Atsushi.

i realized that I mistakenly thought of Atsushi as mine, i tried to shake off my head but my heart just beat fast that it nearly touch my rib cage and i blushed badly that my face feels like a tomato now.

and when i saw them getting off the ride i follow them again, all day without end, and i have a gut feeling like there's gonna be trouble.

skipping on few ends, kyouka went ahead carry the bunny plushie, and Atsushi kept sulking because of the use of money, we arrived at the police station, i stopped and hide behind the bush ten feet away from the side of the street.

then without warning, Atsushi was pierced through the chest from an ability i knew all too well.

my eyes widen by seeing the rest of the port mafia and a truck and shoot the officers back inside.

i felt tears drop from the corner of my eye to see Atsushi hurt and was thrown by the truck, their about to close it but i came out of the bush to get their attention.

"HEY!!!!" i shout, all of the port mafia, the civilians kyouka and Akutagawa look at my direction.

"WHAT THE HELL DO THINK YOU'RE GOING?! I WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE THE ONLY PERSON I CARE ABOUT, A TIGER'S HEAD IS NOT A PRICE THAT YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH!!!! I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE END YOU AND SEND YOU TO THE MILITARY WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE!!! I HATED YOUR GUTS DEMON SNOW!!!!!" kyouka's eyes widen in fear and guilt from what i said i then looked at Akutagawa with anger and rage rising in me. "AND YOU! YOUR GONNA PAY FOR KIDNAPPING DAZAI AND TRY TO TAKE ATSUSHI AWAY FROM ME!!!!" the white rings appeared around me and my eyes glow yellow and i show my canine teeth and the mafia is shocked and scared except Akutagawa standing still "YOU'LL PAY DEARLY FOR TAKING MY TIGER AWAY FROM ME! WHY DON'T YOU PICK ON SOMEBODY YOUR OWN SIZE?!?!?!?!" i change into my full nine-tailed white fox form and started to charge at him without a second thought, i was blinded by rage that the only person i hold dear at the orphanage is taking away from me.

fox of the night | Atsushi Nakajima X OCWhere stories live. Discover now