chapter 5

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this takes place on the episode murder on D street but with more of kitsune for a solo mission when ranpo, dazai, and Atsushi take the murder case, and I'll add a group that can kill and steal everything for their crimes and their names will be called the "snow tigers" (I'm terrible at coming up names) anyways hope you enjoy.

kitsune's POV:

I was outside on the roof of the agency getting some fresh air after dealing with the port mafia, I was glad and relieved that Atsushi is alright, he wouldn't got hurt and taken away.

i had a lot of strength in my body, my dad and brother really taught me everything they know before my family was killed, I was relieved the moment from my memories of their deaths.

i looked down on the edge to see Atsushi and ranpo walking out of the agency.

"must be the murder case...." I thought.

i took some time to take in the view of Yokohama, it's a beautiful sight, I felt my lips plastered a smile on my face as the wind blew my white silky hair, I look up in the sky and my yellow eyes start to glow.

i just liking the feeling of being part of the agency, I can be close to Atsushi, and protect him to the best of my ability.

he's the reason I'm here, I can fight for him, protect him, and save everyone I care about.

" your up there watching me, I hope your proud of me, I can protect anyone that is close to me." I said while still looking at the skies.

that's when I hear the door behind me open, I turn around and saw kunikida.

"so this is where you were." he said, he walks up to me and stand next to me.

"yeah, I just wanted some fresh air, after dealing with those mafias and I had to find something to relax me, but not too relaxing it is my job to work hard and get stronger to protect everyone, I may be a rookie, but I can fight when is nessecery," I said while looking back at the cities view.

kunikida smiled at me and said, "you are something girl, I start to see why dazai takes interest in you, you're smart, fast, smart, and had an incredible ability.....if i may ask and it's a touchy subject, what's your family like?"

i sighed then answer is the question "my dad use to be a great fighter at a different agency, my mom has incredible strength and agility, and my big brother has great fighting skills no one has ever seen, but when i was four they taught me everything they know, and they give me advice on how i can protect others and defend myself, but it didn't last long before they died on my fifth birthday." i looked down sad at the memories flashed before my eyes.

"i see....then your family are great people to teach you any type of skills for any types of dangerous missions, i can see that you're special I'm glad we picked you, even protect the kid." kunikida said.

"Atsushi is the only thing to be protected by people that are after him, I had the right to protect that tiger," i said with a serious straight face.

there was silence between the both but kunikida broke it first "got a call from the authorities they found two dead bodies on the side of town and steal jewels from the jewelry shop."

i nodded and said "I'll go there, I'll be sure to shut them down and be back here before sunset." i started to walk away, before i can go any further kunikida stopped me.

"wait, you can't go there alone, you need an assistant or one of the agents." kunikida said with worry.

i stopped in my tracks, not looking at him but my back facing him.

fox of the night | Atsushi Nakajima X OCWhere stories live. Discover now