chapter 4

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kitsune's POV:

i was sitting next to Atsushi's bed and stare at him with a sad look in my eyes, I have been worried about him all day since Akutagawa almost killed him and two of my friends I got along with, I felt the weight of guilt wash over me, I made a promise to my family that I'd protect the tiger, I failed to go with him and I let him almost get killed by the hands of the port mafia.

i grabbed his hand and start to squeeze it gently and rub a circular motion with my thumb, I let him down for it, I let everyone down, cause I ignore the one thing that I want to protect the most.

the only person that I want to protect most is Atsushi Nakajima, I stare at him then took a deep breath, and start to say something to him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you back there, I wish they send me there so I can do anything in my power to help you, I made a promise when my family died when I see someone in distress, I can protect them, I remember the first time when I lay eyes on you when we're in that cruel orphanage, I made that promise to my family that my objective and to protect you, I can't let those mafia get their hands on you, you're the first to ever accept to be my friend...but when I look at you, you're more than a friend, so don't blame yourself, you are not good for nothing, your human, you are something to me." I smiled softly. "I will do everything to protect you Atsushi, I promise."

"that is a nice speech you have to give." I turn around and see kunikida standing there with a soft smile. "I got to hand it to you, you really know how to be responsible for keeping an eye on him, if you weren't there, they wouldn't end up dead." he grabs a chair and sits there and reads his book of ideals, it's upside down and his glasses is on top of his head but I shrugged it off.

"yeah, I can't say so myself for that, why dose the port mafia are after him? he can't be that special when Akutagawa ripped his leg off, I was mad that I want to get him back for what he did." I said looking back at Atsushi.

"you aren't wrong when dazai comes to get the kid, he witnesses your fighting style in you're fox form and you really cut his arm deep into his skin and hit him with one of your tails, you have an incredible ability, I was wrong when dazai add you to the agency, your quite strong, fast and intelligent, your like a guardian fox protecting those in need." kunikida said without taking his eyes off of his book.

"speaking of dazai, where is he?" I asked him.

"his in the office, he asked me that you should see him, he wants to see you for a little talk, I'll keep an eye out for him for you, don't worry," he said.

i nodded, I looked at Atsushi one more time, I got up and go to the office, I entered and saw dazai standing in front of the window, I close the door and walk up to him, I stopped in front of the desks four meters in front.

"you want to see me dazai?" I asked, he turn around and when he saw me he smiled a little, but his expression changed to serious, he walks around the desk and stands in front of me.

"so you know I use to work from the mafia, your a fast one are you? tell me kitsune, what give me away?" he asked me.

"my ability, I can smell anyone if they're a threat and not a threat...and my brother use to work in the mafia, his name is Myūzu Shiori, he's a strong fighter when he's 15 and I was 4 he taught me every fighting style he knows, I was training very hard, and he a great person I know, but....he quit the mafia because his partner died, she was ambushed by those mafias called the omega, he never gets the chance to say he loves her, so my brother and dad trained me hard so they told me that I can protect anyone with my ability, but by the time on my sixth birthday, my family is killed by another mafia i refuse to speak of the name, I ran away from them and I made a promise that I would protect anyone I meet to be cared of....when I was at the orphanage i was alone, no one cared...but when I met atsushi, I was very close to him, I have found someone I can protect, but by the time I turn 12, they kicked me out when I was outside, I waited by the gate for atsushi, and by age of 18, he's out and I follow him everywhere he goes, I watch over him so I won't make the same mistake again." I said.

fox of the night | Atsushi Nakajima X OCWhere stories live. Discover now