S2 Chapter 19

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kitsune POV:

me and myuzu pant after fighting off those mafia scums.

i know they had the tracking device on them, so I took the hard road into just grabbing their shirts and myuzu had to bite them, just to paralyze them not poison them.

"*sighs* this is annoying the war is getting rough, the guild and the mafia are getting serious, I can't let them do anything to get their paws on atsushi." I said in annoyance.

myuzu nodded in agreement and replied "they should be lucky I didn't poison them, just before my hiding I can copy every ability of the guild, even our game will begin." 

I nodded, then I start to the thought of the next plan to stop my family's killers.

then I start to hear Akutagawa's voice yelling "jaws of endless gates!" and look to my right.

"myuzu....do you hear that?" I asked my brother, he nodded and we both run to the direction the voice is coming from and the sound of a rumbling begin.

i stopped and see Akutagawa on his knees panting, I look at the ruble to see two guild members, Margret, and her priest partner, I never thought the assassin of the port mafia had this much left in him after what happened to him when dazai trained him.

after so much abuse in training, his lungs are fractured that he always continue coughing, all he want is dazai's attention and praise from him, he already got praise from my brother but it's not enough for him.

"I don't need you to tell me that....i already know." Akutagawa mumbled to himself like he's reliving for what atsushi said to him when he was fighting.

"if so, you always know when to take a rest." myuzu said and walks over to him and I follow behind him.

Akutagawa lift his head and look in our direction with wide eyes.

"m-myuzu shiori? i-i-i thought you were dead..." he then looks at me "wherefox? what are you two doing here?"

"hey is there any way to greet your teacher and master?" my brother said to him and start to kneel at his level then place a hand on his shoulder.

"ability: thou shall not die." he activates his ability, and purple rings appear around him, he used yosano's ability to heal Akutagawa.

once he's done, aku is fully healed, then he start to walk off and with me following behind him.

"see you later aku, until we meet again shortly" he said, and we head to the old HQ of the ADA.

Akutagawa POV:

I watch as my teacher and werefox walk away, I was still in my spot in shock to see him alive.

i remember how he told me how to control my ability and to care about my health.


I panted heavily when I felt my breath uneven, myuzu copied and use Rashomon against me he looked at me with concern and hurt in his eyes.

he then deactivates his ability and walk towards me and helps me up, "aku, you need to learn how to know your enemies' weakness, and catch them off, guard, but as your teacher and master, you need to learn to control your ability, but you manage to hit me and I am proud of you, be sure to take care of your health, I'm worried you'll end up coughing blood if your lungs keep fractured with dazai's hard punch, your unable to breathe if you don't take some medication." he places his hand on my head and rubs it gently.

fox of the night | Atsushi Nakajima X OCWhere stories live. Discover now