S2 Chapter 16

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(after myuzu's flashback will end, it'll be a surprise during the next future chapter of when he and his parents died and kitsune run away from the guild and stayed at the orphanage with Atsushi when his flashback is with odasuka, hope you enjoy!)

myuzu POV:

I was standing on the sidelines watching the boss, mori try to dress up elise, now she's bare-skinned, for his own ability he likes to spoil her like she's his daughter if I'm being honest...it's funny to watch.

"come on elise, just wear the dress, please? just for a bit, a tincy wincy little bit." the boss said to elise.

"no!" elise refused "I don't wanna." I looked all over the office and picked up the clothes that scatter all over the office using Rashomon I copy from Akutagawa, my fighting student, dazai found him when he's out to look for someone to be strong.

"come on my dear, just try it on alright?" mori plead elise. "I put on a lot of thought into picking this out." 

did I say that he spoils her? I mean he spoils her too much that she refuses and acts like a bratty kid, she's rebellious, but she wasn't rebellious to me since I'm her favorite, she reminds me of my partner and girlfriend Tenshi...but she died when we had a mission a few months ago, now I feel like I'll never trust another partner for as long as I live, the only partners I only trust is oda, chuuya and dazai.

but mori continued pleading his ability like daughter, "I mean just look at these grims and frills, don't they look like flower petals? I'm sure you'll look great!"

elise then respond "look, it's not like I hate pretty clothes, but I do hate you groveling-"

after a few clothing, I hear odasaku's voice, "boss you called for me? how may I serve you?"

me, elise and mori look at oda's direction a little surprised that he came.

"boss, I'm gonna head out, and I picked up the clothes that you request me to." I said then put them down on the desk and head back, I walk pass odasaku and close the door behind me using Rashomon.

-time skip-

I was at the scene of the crime that three of our members where killed, I was standing next to dazai, while he sat on the ground crossing his leg beating some video game.

"good morning everyone!" dazai said in a cheerful tone. "hang on a second I'm almost through this really difficult level."

I stare down at the bodies with my emotionless stoic look, I do this cause of my job and to keep my emotions at bay for the loss of my girlfriend, but I'm not emotionless when I'm with my trusted friends, family and sister.

dazai just kept playing, "oh crap he got ahead of me! well how about some of this!" as he continue rambling I jump off the high point and land on my feet perfectly.

"thank you for taking the time to come out here sir, it appears our honorary guards are killed." the gentle smoker said, I can't remember his name and it's a mouth full, so I give him a nickname that suits him.

i just cut off all the things around me....don't judge me, I can't let them know that already know who.

i had copy two abilities, future sight from the person I copied years ago, and flawless I copied from oda when dazai introduce me to him when I joined the mafia.

and I know mimic is behind all of this.

myuzu, will you be able to track down the mimic's hideout and its location?

i nodded then I jump into the water.

dazai POV:

after myuzu jump the members start to freak, i was freaking out a little bit, but the bubble starts to form and the sea dragon burst out of the water, it had blue scales, longhorns and it's eyes were red.

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