S 2 chapter 17

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kitsune POV:

when big brother is out with Osamu, I stayed at the place where oda comes to visit, I'm always the shy type and refused to talk to the kids my age but they're okay.

i had dreams of my family died in the pool of their own blood and three figures over their bodies.

the one in the middle had a mischievous grin with a green stripe line on his I think is his ability.

i woke up with a silent scream that I can't make any notice or myuzu and mommy and daddy would be worried about me.

everything is quiet till I hear gunshots from downstairs.

me and the rest of the kids look at the door when we heard rapid footsteps, approaching the door, the door then got kicked open and men from mimic that my big brother talked about looks at us with smirks on their faces.

"grab the kids, boss had orders to kill every single one of them!" one of the men said.

he and his parter grabbed the kids in their arms, I saw one is about to grab me, I was hyperventilating and my heart runs faster.

just before he can grab me everything start to blure and turned pitch black.

3rd person POV:

the mimic group and the kids eyes grew wide when seeing the girl with white rings around her, she screams in pain and covers her face.

but the pain grew as her eyes glow yellow through her eyes, her clothing start to rip and white fur is shown from her back.

she grew bigger, her legs turned into fox-like legs, her hands turn into fox paws, then nine tails start to appear from behind her.

the white rings disappear before they even appear.

everyone is shocked to see a white nine-tailed fox that is bigger then them, the fox stare at the mimic men with pure anger, rage and protective nature in her eyes.

one of the mimics start to take out a gun and shoot the girl that is now a huge ass fox.

but the gun's shot was futile as it turned dust when it's close to it's body.

he and his partners are now scared of that nine-tailed fox, "quick! get the kids to the truck!" he yells.

the fox pounce on him and start to attack by throwing him across the room only to be knocked and not killed.

the fox looks at the entrance where the mimic soldiers left with the kids, she felt bad for what is about to come next when odasaku comes back.

the fox had no other choice but to plain sight, but she'll understand once kitsune wakes up.

she turned back into the little white-haired girl and fell to the floor passed out from the experience of her ability, little does kitsune know, she and white of the wise are now a part of each other now and can never be apart.

odasaku's POV:

as soon as I got in, I dropped my groceries and see the place a wreck, I was shocked.

"no..." I said, I run over to the bar to see the owner dead, "hey!" I then start to run upstairs to see if the kids were there, I hope myuzu wouldn't kill me if his sister is killed.

"Kosuke! katume! yue! shingu! kitsune! sakura!" I shouted their names. (I missed up their names but I'll bear with it ^^; )

I open the door and didn't see the kids, I look around and saw kitsune on the floor along with one of the mimic members.

fox of the night | Atsushi Nakajima X OCWhere stories live. Discover now