4. Death wish

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Published : January, 17th, 2021.
Edited : ...


"What do you mean you don't feel it?" London groaned in frustration when Toby announced that he couldn't feel any different from yesterday, which meant Milo was still alive somewhere out there.

"He is alive, he somewhere didn't get himself killed." Toby didn't try to hide his smile as he sat at the breakfast table with three pair of eyes on him.

"That's technically impossible, Owen has a highly skilled security team and he only employs vampires. How would that little human survive that?" Arrow wondered as he leaned his back on the counter and sipped his hot coffee.

"Maybe he is holding him captive, he wants Toby to kill him himself." London guessed and Toby frowned at that.

"I know that what I feel for him isn't real, it's just a stupid bond but I'm scared." He confessed for the first time, pushing his plate aside and giving the three men a vulnerable look.

"We know baby, we went through the same thing, remember?" Arrow tried to lighten the mood by bringing up the first time they walked into each other's lives.

Toby was dating Arrow since their childhood and they loved each other like nothing else but Toby's parents arranged his marriage to Victor, who was much more powerful and rich, they basically sold their son for status.

At first, Toby was heartbroken, yet his pain became bearable after Victor marked him and when he got to know him well, he fell in love with his husband. However, Victor knew that Toby will never feel complete without Arrow and in a desperate attempt to make his little one happy, he accepted Arrow into their relationship. Little did he know he'd fall head over heels for him as well.

London only came later, but his story was much more complicated.

"Last time I checked, we weren't trying to kill each other." Toby snapped as he slammed his hand on the table and glared at Arrow for trying to make it look alright.

"Enough." London cut in and threw his arm around Toby's waist. "Why don't we let Victor locate him again so we can go and get him?"

"Why? So I can murder him with cold blood?" Toby spat at his black haired loved and pushed himself away from his embrace. "I'm going to find him myself!" He spoke in the same snappy tone as he walked towards his room to get ready.

"Toby stop being a fucking pain in the ass and-" London wanted to go after Toby but Victor had enough of it and stood in his way.

"You're going too far London." He warned him by giving him his stern look and he sighed, realising what he was about to do, thankful for Victor's intervention once again. "Let him do what he wants for today, if the mate lives another day, then I will do the honours." He promised and to that, the dark fairy relaxed.

He knew that Victor never backs down from his promises, especially when it concernes his husbands. Arrow on the other hand, felt more anxious by the second.

He didn't like the fact that Milo existed and he wished him dead but he didn't want them to do it, he knew it'd destroy their relationship and drift them apart, nothing scared him more than that.

In Arrow's eyes, Milo's existence was tearing them apart and his death will only make it worse.


After Toby made a run for his room, he took a quick shower and got dressed in a hurry. He needed to move fast if he wanted to find the little human.

He smiled when he remembered his sweet face and although the human was two inches taller than him, the light fairy still perceived him as something small and that needed protection. Thinking about killing him was tearing Toby apart in every way possible, he knew he would hate himself but he didn't have a choice.

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