21. Resurrection

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Chapter 21: Resurrection.

After Malcolm turned the burned witch into dust, the four of them walked out to be faced with a tiny army of witches and warlocks guarding the entrance. None of witch could hold a fight against the three powerful warlock.

Bones cracked and muscles got torn as the four men walked through, determined to find the human and exit the place. Bodies were falling left and right, screams of pain were echoing throughout the corridor as the soldiers fell down.

All the warlocks did was hold two fingers in the air, the kind of power they were displaying was phenomenal. Their display of superiority was merely a spectacle that bought them time while Arrow and Toby were holding two witches hostage at another location to locate Milo.

The soldiers kept coming and coming, their numbers seemed to double and the ground was covered with wailing bodies.

"Ok, that's enough." Malcolm rolled his eyes, impatience was starting to deep through his veins and he instantly punched the air, summoning darkness all around them, blinding the enemy and terrorizing them.

"Woah, that was impressive..." London whistled as he stood behind Victor and Malcolm smirked at him.

The shadows soon covered the white place and filled the place. In no time, he located Milo's whereabouts.

"Follow me." Malcolm licked his bottom lip suggestively, not breaking eye contact with London, making Elijah roll his eyes.

He was very familiar with Malcolm's ways and he didn't miss Victor's tense posture after that.

The three of them followed him without saying anything else and soon, they reached the end of the corridor. Instead of trying to open the door like a civilized person, Malcolm knocked it down with his foot and barged in.

There, on a plain bed laid an unconscious Milo, his body attached to various glowing thread that extended to the ceiling. A girl who couldn't be older than 12 was sitting by his bed, eyes closed and fingertips lightly touching his temples.

"Milo, no!" London's deep voice echoed throughout the room as he lounged at her, yanking her away from the sleeping boy and instantly, the red glowing threads that were leaving his body disappeared and the girl fell unconscious to the ground as if someone sucked her dry of her life.

A long gasp left Milo's lungs as London held his hand and he started coughing loudly, body convulsing with bulging eyes.

"No, no no... What's going on??" London was holding the human's tiny hand and squeezing it with fright.

"They provoked your magic out of him and his body is shutting down!" Malcolm quickly rushed to the other side of Milo. "We will kill him if we take it out of him now."

Victor and Elijah who were guarding the door exchanged a confused look, Victor's left eyebrow was lifted and his jaw clenching; why did his heartless brother who didn't know the human care about him.

"Then just let him die and put London's magic back-" Elijah intended to suggest but was taken back by the two males; London and Malcolm, glaring at him.

"I don't fucking care about my magic if that means he dies." London bites back, hand still squeezing the human's.

"I'd say you watch your fucking tone." Victor growls and takes a stride to hold London by the collar. "He took one of my husbands, I won't let him take another." He snaps, eyes not moving from his lover's for a fleeting second.

"He," London starts by pushing Victor off of him, "saved your husband from certain death twice, you better show some respect." London knew what he was doing by challenging his husband but he didn't give a fuck about disobeying Victor if he gets to save Milo's life.

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