42. Pillow

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Chapter 42: Pillow.

—Milo's POV:

"Wait... Wait!" I yelp as we enter the bedroom I woke up in.

Malcolm carried me through the corridor with my thighs around his waist, his hand supported my bottom as his lips attacked my lips to the point of me losing my breath.

"What is it, angel?" His voice was deeper than usual, which didn't help my case the slightest.

"Do you have protection?" I bite my lower lip awkwardly as my fingers grab into his smooth hair locks and I try to pull him away from my neck.

His kisses on my warm skin stop abruptly and I can feel the vibrations of his chest against mine, with his face buried in my neck.

"What's so funny about my question?" I snap at him and he shakes his head before looking up at me with the same hunger in his eyes.

"I don't need that, my love." He moves his nose against mine gently and I feel the blush extending to my ears.

"What do you mean?" My voice is barely audible and all I want to do is close my eyes to the feeling of his cold hands sneaking under my boxers to squeeze my ass and spread my cheeks.

"I'm immortal, not catching any diseases is part of the package deal." His teeth are back on my earlobe and I suppress a moan by biting down on my tongue.

"B-but- " I'm silenced by his lips on mine and before I could resist anymore, I'm thrown on top of the messy bed and he is on me.

That was definitely not how expected my first time to go, I could hear the birds chirping outside and the open windows allowed our bodies to swim in the sun as he pulled my only piece of clothing down with his teeth.

For the first time ever, I felt completely exposed and vulnerable. The man on top of me could end my life by snapping his fingers, yet the gentle kisses he was planting on the sensetive skin of my inner thighs indicated that he had no intention of causing me any harm.

It was almost impossible to stay still, my back was raising off the bed each time his warm lips ignited fire on my most sensetive areas, but he was cruel enough to ignore the place where I needed him the most. His mouth skipped to my lower abdomen where he started sucking and biting the skin eagerly, my hands never left his hair even when my eyes were rolling back from the bliss I was in.

"Stop repressing your sounds," his hand is instantly around my throat, choking me into submission and I'm whimpering out of nowhere.

"Fuck you," I couldn't resist the frustration I was feeling, the way he was being rough and gentle at the same time was driving me crazy and we had just started.

"Oh don't worry angel, I will be the one fucking you," he smirks as he stands up by the bed, leaving me breathless as he removes his button up shirt, exposing the annoyingly toned chest and the mils of ink covering the tanned skin.

For the first time around him, I don't have any comebacks or sarcastic comments.

But oh my, I did use my mouth effectively that day.

Third Person POV:

When the clock on the wall indicated to midnight, the Warlock's eyes fluttered open with a huge smile plastered on his lips. The human had passed out on his arms a few hours ago after they spent the entire day making love in every spot in the house.

"Quit staring, you're weird..." Milo mumbled without opening his eyes when he felt a burning stare on his face.

"I can't help it," Malcolm whispers with the same ridiculous smile stuck to his lips, his fingers gently pushing Milo's hair back from his eyes. "You are the most beautiful person I ever laid my eyes on."

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