22. Resurrection 2

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Chapter 22: Resurrection 2

The three other males froze upon hearing Victor's words. I'll do it, simple words but with infinite meanings.

Malcolm looked him over and snickered after a long time of silence.

"You will do it? Do you have any idea what that means? Claiming someone as your mate for political reasons? How pathetic." He spat at his younger brother and closed his eyes, trying hard to think of a way out of the sticky situation.

Malcolm couldn't stop thinking about Elijah's words, to mark Milo himself but he didn't want to do it under similar circumstances and he would never mark someone without their consent.

"Pathetic? Oh really, then why don't you enlighten us, how do you know the human and why are you so fucking adamant on saving his pathetic life." London winced at Victor's words, he wanted to tell him that the human has a name and his name is Milo.

He wanted to tell him that his life was far from pathetic, he felt the urge to tell him what he experienced with him through the last few days but he coward away, yet, thankfully, Malcolm took that step.

"How I know him and why I care about him, is none of your fucking business," Malcolm starts by walking over to his brother, pushing his shoulder aggressively and flashing him his black orbs. "I saved your husband and you" Malcolm was spitting venom by that point, his finger hitting Victor's chest repeatedly to make his point. " You will sit your ass like a good puppy until my human is safe and sound."

Malcolm's eyes were back to their black color and London who was standing behind his husband couldn't help but feel relieved. He never thought he'd enjoy watching someone go against Victor but oddly, he was satisfied.

"Guys..." Elijah who was by Milo's side the whole time snapped. "We need to make a move right now." He insists, "Decide."

"What are the chances of him surviving if we remove the magic from his body directly?" Malcolm asked, eyes not moving from his brother's pissed off face.

Victor was undeniably pissed, his fists clenching and his knuckles whiter than snow, he could feel the pain of his finger nails pressing against his skin, yet he didn't do anything to show it. Holding his poker face and staring ahead of him.

Silence fell upon the room, tensions were high and Elijah kept looking behind the dying boy and the problematic brothers before he made a realistic estimation.

"The chances are almost non-existent, he will die. We have no other way, we need to kill him by pulling the magic out and perform a resurrection." He explains with a rushed voice, he didn't really care about the human but he didn't want him to die either, Malcolm would definitely make him pay for it.

"Then what are the chances of resurrecting him successfully without him being marked?" Malcolm presses after a couple of seconds of complete silence.

"Very... Low?" Elijah speaks hesitantly, afraid of upsetting the Dark Warlock who's already on edge.

Silence engulfs the room once again and Malcolm turns around, breaking eye contact with Victor to hold Milo's limp hand in his much bigger one. He starts kissing it and bringing it to his face.

Victor couldn't help but wonder how did this happen and why is Malcolm so attached to a weak human. It was very out of character for the Dark Warlock to act that way... He never cared about anything or anyone. Not even his own brother and now, there he is, struggling to make a decision for a human's safety.

"I like our odds... Do it." Malcolm spoke a moment later after consulting with his own demons, which was one of the perks of harnessing dark magic.

The power he had was limitless and he would give everything he had to perform the spell correctly. For all those years, he kept improving and seeking the darkest of ressources for strength and power, never knowing why he was doing it.

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