11. Deal

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Published : January, 26th, 2021.
Edited : ...


A/N : This chapter wasn't proof read or edited. I will try to do it as soon as possible so please bear with me.

If you like the chapter, don't forget to vote and leave a comment. Nothing else motivates me to write more.

Please enjoy,


Milo woke up to the sound of music blasting through the car speakers. He blinked his eyes multiple times before realizing he was in a car, a moving car.

His brain ordered his muscles to move but he felt like he was sedated, a grunt left his dry lips as he remembered what happened at Montgomery's house. God, be hated those men.

In his second failed attempt to sit down, he turned his head to the side, rolling his eyes when he noticed none other than London Montgomery on the steering wheel.

Of course they'd send me away with the psycho before I get back to my senses.

"You're up?" London's voice confirmed his conclusion and Milo closed his eyes, finally getting the energy to move a little bit and adjust his stiff body in the passenger seat.

"For how long have I been sleeping?" He spoke through his raspy voice, noting how dry his throat felt.

"Not as long as I hoped," The dark fae smirked and took a small bottle of water from the door on his side, throwing it at the human.

who took it greedily, unscrewing the bottle and taking huge slurps

"Here, drink this," Milo took the small bottle with clumsy hands and unscrewed the tap before taking huge slurps.

"it's really annoying how your species need that substance constantly. I've drowned my weight in that thing in two days..." London's bitching about human's fragile bodies was interrupted by Milo spitting the water in his mouth all over the board. "What the fuck?"

"Two days?" Milo shirked, ignoring the burning sensation in the back of his throat from elevating his voice.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you that you slept for two days? Like I said, not as long as I hoped for, " London was clearly amused by Milo's disoriented state.

The human's previous lacking state was forgotten as adrenaline ran through his veins and he rolled down the car seat looking outside and trying to pinpoint their location.

"Why the fuck are we in New Orleans?" He felt the cool breeze brush against his face as he popped it out the window. "Victor was really clear, we were supposed to stay at my house. "

"Urg, just when I started to tolerate you, you had to wake up and ruin it," London grunted, rolling his eyes and putting more pressure on the accelerator, and pushing Milo against his seat.

"You are not answering me, do they even know where we are?" Milo's panic was rising no matter how much he tried to conceal it, his heart was beating fast against his ribcage, and breathing was proved to be harder than he thought.

London faked a pout and circled his finger around the Krystal chain that his husband offered them then looked at Milo with his most fake innocent look.

"You thought that upon receiving such a gift from hubby dearest I would sit in the disgusting box that you call home and watch you sleep? Nah, I have better things to do and this is the golden opportunity." London beamed at his own

"Still not answering my question," Milo deadpanned, not affected by London's playfulness but rather alarmed by it.

"Urg, how can you be so slow dumbass," London rolled his eyes and brought his attention back to the driving. "Never mind, we are here."

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