38. Karma

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Some of you were confused by Milo's actions on the last chapter, friendly reminder that the events of chapter 37 take place ONE MONTH after he left the cottage of Mama Jane, which means something happened to him during that month which we all ignore so far, why and how he reached to Malcolm and what he is about to do in this chapter is a mystery.

Chapter 38: Karma.

—Milo's Pov:

"He did what?" I look at Malcolm who had been unbelievably silent since London showed up and I could feel the wrath bubble up in my stomach.

"Milo, I can explain-" he takes a step towards me but I take one back, my back is against the wall and I suddenly regret my decision of coming here.

"Explain what? You killed a friend for someone who doesn't even share your feelings?!" I start to regret my decision of lashing out at him when I see the hurt in his eyes, yet he deserved worse. "Guess what? No one abduct me, I was the one who wanted a timeout from your bullshit, I'm sick of it! All of you, you keep dragging me into your drama and I never asked any of it,"

"Watch your words..." He snarls at me and I laugh at his reddening face.

"Watch my words? Watch my words or what? Are you going to rip my heart out like whomever you just killed or kill me like Elijah?" I take a step towards him and force his hand against my chest. "Come on, go ahead, rip my heart out and let's end this whole mess!"

"Milo!" London's hands are on my shoulder pulling me back as I shoot daggers with my eyes at the pretentious prick.

He was acting like a maniac, going on a kill spree for someone he barely met few months ago for few days.

"Don't Milo me, and step the back off!" I snap at London, shrugging his hands off of me and I stare back at a very furious Malcolm.

"Remember when you said I don't have a choice? That I belonged to you and would never be able to reject you? Guess what, I did, and next time you underestimate me, it will be you who goes missing!" He stands still like a rock, taking the heat of my words as I slap his chest and start to walk away when a hand circles around my wrist.

"Where were you?" His voice cracks by the end of his sentence and I could feel my heart ache at his tone, his simple touch was sending sparks on my skin and I hated myself for it.

"Somewhere safe." I cut short and look back at London.

"I might've missed you," I direct my words towards London who was looking at me with what could be longing. "And I considered you as a great friend, I might've had a tiny crush on you as well.. but you probably knew about your husband sucking my soul from me and you left me alone when I needed you the most. So I'm mad at you for that, mad is the understatement of the century if I'm being honest, yet I don't hate you yet..."

"You have been missing.... " Malcolm tightens his hold on my wrist, preventing me from walking away and pulls me against his board chest, "For four months, Milo! I turned the Earth upside down looking for you, I forgot how to sleep, how to eat and how to fucking breathe properly while I was too busy wondering if you were alive, if you were well. I tortured everyone around me and myself included to find you and here you just knock on my door like nothing happened?" He doesn't yell or scream, but simply speaks in a dangerously low tone, sending shivers down my spine.

He was calm, way too calm and that was more terrifying than his wrath but it wasn't what made my heart squeeze in pain.

It was the pained look in his eyes, looking up close, I could see the bags under his eyes, his skin was pale compared to the last time I saw him and he has grown a few days worth of untrimmed beard, even what used to be his perfectly styled hair was a total mess.

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