15. Fever

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Special thanks to those who voted and commented on the previous chapter, your support is what fuels the writing of this story. I promise for those who gave my work a chance to give it my best.

Don't forget to let me know what you think of this chapter, any improvements you think I should make, any plot holes you noticed or things you want to see in the story. I take every feedback seriously when I write.

Once again, thank you and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Chapter 15 :


"Who was that gentelman, son?" Harold started his questioning as soon as Milo pushed the restaurant's door open. Which meant he has been watching him from the glass doors.

"Just... A stranger, he helped me carry my friend over." Milo explained while sitting the passed out London on one of the chairs and dusted his outfit.

"So this is your friend," Old Harold deduced before putting his palm on the sick man's forehead. "He is indeed burning with fever. Come, Mathilda prepared the back room for you two to get some rest,"

Milo simply nodded and gladly accepted Harold's help to take London into the back room, which was basically a storage room to which the couple added a small bed, they figured they'll need it if they ever worked themselves out but it came in handy during situation like this one.

The room was dark with very little light and the walls were peeling from the water running down. It smelt of rust and the bed looked quite old but it was all Milo could ask for at the moment.

Before leaving, Harold insisted on showing Milo everything he could need, the kitchen, the bathrooms and the linen.

"If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask me or Mathilda. We will be closing soon, it's almost daytime." Harold informed while standing by the doorframe and Milo simply nodded.

"Do you think I can have a bowl of cold water and some napkins?" He looked over at the laying man with his hand scratching the back of his neck from embarrassment. He didn't want to trouble the old couple more than he already did, they were very nice to take them in no questions asked, but he needed to make sure the fever goes down. "His fever is pretty bad and I don't know if he'll make it if this co-" Milo was interrupted by the joyful voice of Mathilda entering the room with a plate of soup and bread.

"Hey darling, oh boy, you look like you are about to starve, here, you can have this. Harold? Go get the boy some extra blankets and what he just asked, you can find some medecine in the kitchen cabinets, bring that as well." She instructed her husband as she put down the plate on the ground by the bed. "We are so sorry we have very little to offer," she continued, looking back at her guest while her husband rushed out to execute her commands. "Business is very bad these days but we will share whatever you have with you and your friend. I can never thank you enough..."

"Please, you have done more than enough, what may seem like nothing to you saved mine and my friend's life tonight. You have no idea how bad we needed this roof and this bed, but you also gave us food and medecine. We can never be grateful enough Mathilda!" He reassured the old lady while holding both of her wrinkly hands in his.

She simply smiled and lifted her palm to caress Milo's cheek, the warmth of her touch made him relax but it was gone as soon as it came.

"I'll let you rest, we are here if you need anything else." She insisted and he nodded at her before she left. Moments later, Harold came with everything she asked him to; a bowl of cold water, an extra blanket on his shoulder, napkins and a plastic bag attached to his wrist which contained the meds.

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