14. Treasure

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I want to thank everyone who voted and commented on the previous chapter, after my long absence, it's incredible to see how far I've come from the first chapter.

Kindly note that none of my chapters are proofread, this is a first sample that I intend to edit once the story is finished. All the grammatical errors, the vague descriptions, the tenses and the plot holes will be fixed later on.

Thank you for your understanding.


Chapter 14 : Treasure - Special Chapter.

Malcolm POV :


Three days had already passed since Victor hid London's magic inside the human's body. Which meant they had less than four days to reverse it before one of them dies and the other stays human forever.

A chuckle left the raven haired man's lips at the thought. He always found his younger brother's suffering amusing but this was way too entertaining. His dark magic allowed him to stay constantly updated about what happened to his family member, which is why he knew London was going to come to him for help.

He never expected him to agree on giving him the human easily tho. The dark fae didn't ask any questions and Malcolm was glad. As he sat in his balcony with a cigarette in his left hand, he kept reviving the dreams he saw whenever he closed his eyes.

His instincts told him that something much bigger is going on, yet, he can't quite understand it yet.

All he knew at that moment, was that human would eventually become a valuable asset. He needed to win him to his side and gain his trust, as soon as possible.

"Always lost in your thoughts, huh?" A sweet voice interrupted his thoughts from behind and he didn't need to turn around to know who just broke into his apartments, he felt him the moment he stepped foot into the building.

"What is it now, Owen?" Malcolm who had his back facing the other Lux sighed deeply. He knew very well why he came to pay him a visit, and it was not because he missed him

"Don't play dumb on me, Mal! I need your help, you know very well why I'm here!" Owen humbled himself, losing the dickhead attitude as he walked in front of the warlock.

Malcolm didn't budge when a short blond popped in front of him, he mentally noted how he didn't change one bit from their last encounter. Owen still had the same glowing purple eyes and delicate skin but something about the aura surrounding him had changed.

"I won't hurt the human. I need him." He spoke raspily, standing up from his seat and entering the apartment but not expecting the evil twin to give up.

"I don't want you to hurt him, I just need you to compel one of them to take care of it, they're taking too long and I'm afraid they coward from it. Besides, what do you need him for?" Owen felt confused by the taller's statement. Malcolm Montgomery, the most powerful warlock of his time... Needing a pathetic human? What for?

"No one will be hurting the human, Owen." Malcolm's eyes were overtaken by a dark shade, the white not visible anymore, making him look more demonic if it were possible. "If you dare lay a finger on him..." Strong fingers circled the evil twin's throat as he got lifted into the air by the madman. "I will hunt you down, and end you myself." He promised with a hiss, contemplating the thousand ways he could hurt the light fae in his arms.

Owen, who was struggling to loosen the grip on his neck, knew not to mess with the dark warlock. He squinted his eyesw legs kicking in the air and trying to nod fastly, hopping Malcolm would let him go.

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