5. Challenged

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Published : January, 18th, 2021.
Edited : ...


The four husbands were still sitting in their living room, exchanging silent looks to try and make sense of the human mess that walked into their life.

"One week you say, huh?" London smirked after few moments of awkward silence, he controlled his aura and stood proudly, chest to chest with the human midget.

He knew that he could break him before he blinks, yet he'd be breaking Toby as well. Maybe he can't kill him but one way or another, he had to take control over the situation, he would never give a weakling like him taker the upper hand.

"Huh?" Milo looked dumbfounded for a second before he cringed. "Out of everything I just said, that's all you managed to retain?"

"You don't come into my house, challenge me in my living room and expect me to back down?" London lifted his arms in the air dramatically and looked like he has been insulted, Victor and Arrow were secretly amused by the exchange but tried to conceal it or they'd never hear the end of if from London.

"There is seriously something wrong with you, why everything has to be a challenge?" Milo bawled and Toby couldn't help but notice the difference in his attitude from last time.

He felt fascinated by how brave he got overnight and then it hit him.

Milo wasn't afraid of what would happen to him when he was in that hotel room with Toby, he was scared of what would happen to his brothers in case he didn't make it and now that they were safe and sound, his true self was coming out.

"Conceal my magic." London adressed Victor in his most stern voice after challenging Milo in a long stare.

"Woah big guy," Milo had the nerve to slap London on the back and laugh at his childish behaviour. "You don't have to take everything that seriously."

"Don't fucking touch me." London growled and held the small mundane by the collar.

"Okay, okay, easy big boy!" He raised his arms in the air, faking surrender and Toby could swear he saw Arrow's lips twitch in a smile.

He wanted to get between them but he didn't want to upset the dark fairy more than he already did in the past 24 hours.

"You really want to live as a human for an entire week?" Victor stared at London up and down with a lifted eyebrow.

Never had they seen anyone get under London's skin so easily and as much as the three men wanted Milo dead, they wanted to see the outcome of it.

"Yes, Victor. That's what I just said. I will live an entire week as a filthy useless human and prove to this scumbag that there is nothing special about him and when the week is done, I will put him out of his misery myself." He spat after pushing Milo into the couch where he was previously sitting.

Arrow who looked between the human and his fairy husband tried so hard to control his laughter but failed miserably and was soon followed by Victor.

"You will come begging around the second day for your magic honey." Victor tried to reason with him and stood in front of him, delicately caressing his arms.

"Second day? I bet you on my car that he'd be coming around the first day!" Arrow added with a smirk.

"Stop laughing, this isn't funny! I'm London Pierce and nothing is impossible for me." He spoke cockily, not noticing Milo who was mimicking him from behind.

Only Arrow caught that scene and doubled over in laughter, he was enjoying himself more than he should and for a moment there, he forgot about the predicament they had at hand. Toby on the other hand was only smiling but he was more importantly analysing the situation, he had the perfect plan to keep all of them and now was the perfect opportunity handed to him in a plater of silver.

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