33. Temperature

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Chapter 33: Temperature.

—Milo's POV.

All I could hear was machines beeping around me, my head felt so light, my whole body was kinda numb as I blinked my eyes open.

I know this place.

I struggle to sit in the familiar bed of Elijah's laboratory and I examine it for the second time this month. Rectangular tanks with test animals were all over the place, the reanimation machine by my side was beeping too loudly for my own comfort but the detail that struck me the most this time was how empty it felt.

Or rather how lonely.

Last time I remember is falling asleep by Toby's side but the tubes attached to my wrists indicated that something bad must have happened.

I sigh, sitting through the dizziness that overtook me suddenly before I attempt leaving the bed.

"Is anyone there?" My voice is barely audible and I have to cough a couple of times before the hoarseness is gone.

I stand on the cold ground with my bare feet and I have to squeeze my feet's fingers in a futile attempt to prevent the cold from rushing up my spine. I hate this, I haven't felt this alone since I met the four husbands and it sucks.

The eerie silence in the room brought unpleasant memories. I snatch the tubes attached to my wrist, not caring to know what it helped for but the machine didn't stop beeping.

—Third person POV.

"You are alone." A sinister voice echoed from the walls, making Milo twirl around himself to find where it came from but there was no one in the room.

"All alone!" The sinister voice giggled and the sound of children running around accompanied it.

"Who's this? Show yourself." Milo's palm went to cover his ears, his heart was beating faster than normal and the room was spinning around.

"Here... Catch it!" He could hear a ball bouncing towards him but just as he bent down to dodge it, there was nothing.

"I'm not playing this wicked game, London I'm going to kill you!" He snarled, marching towards the door to exit the room but the distance seemed to grow longer, with each step he took towards the exit,the ground under him stretched for a mile.

"All alone!" The voice giggled in a singing tone, it was coming from the walls... Or the tanks, maybe from his head?

Milo couldn't figure out from where.

"I'm not afraid of you!" He screams back, feeling the room spin and wiping his tears with the back of his sleeve.

"Milo is afraiiid..." A young girl's voice giggled, replacing the sinister man but it felt ten times creepier.

"I'm not afraid!" He yells towards the ceiling, falling down to his knees and covering his ears to keep the voices away.

"Prove it, Milo. Prove to us that you aren't a coward!" The voices were very similar to his bullies' at the orphan house.

They were laughing as he hugged his knees to his chest and started rocking back and forth, tears were streaming down his eyes and the sounds were amplified.

Little girls were singing lullabies, little boys were screaming at each other for the ball that kept bouncing from one wall to another, he followed the ball with his bulging eyes.

"Milo is a coward!" They all started chanting in unison around him, his palms were shaking against his ears and his face was buried in his knees.

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