27. Date

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Chapter 27: Date

"So, you're telling me that you challenged Victor for the title and now you want me to teach you how to overtake him, because you want us to be part of your dysfunctional family?" Malcolm recaps as he stands with his hands behind his back, facing the three idiots sitting on the sofa of his cabin with drinks on their hands.

The three of them nod and London shrugs his shoulders carelessly.

"It basically sums it up..." he relaxes his back against the sofa and puts one arm around Toby's shoulder, not daring to touch the human in front of the unpredictable warlock.

"Remind me again, why do I want to be part of your weird exclusive relationship?" Malcolm rolls his eyes and turns his back to them, removing his shirt to throw it on a chair and face them, in all of his shirtless glory.

"Because I want Toby and London." Milo mumbles then proceeds to sip on his drink, giving it his best not to melt under the hot male's gaze.

"You know I can read your thoughts, right?" Malcolm's eyes flash with a deep black color and his crosses his arms on his chest, causing his muscles to bulge. "So control your thoughts before I bend you over here and pop your cherry."

Milo's cheek start burning, the blush stretching to his ears and he looks at the cup he hold on his lap.

"Bold of you to assume I'm a virgin." Milo feigns confidence by rising his gaze to the older and locking their gazes.

The other two start choking on their drink, causing Milo's discomfort to grow, he always excels at making a fool of himself at situations like these.

"Not bold, I'm did my homework." Malcolm winks at the human, insinuating that he did a background check which made Milo even more uncomfortable.

"So do you agree with my terms or not?" Milo snaps, the fire in his eyes indicating his irritation with the Warlock's attitude.

"I will think about it." He hums while pouring himself a glass of bourbon, not expecting Milo's reaction.

"I want a yes or no, not a maybe!" Milo snaps, acting out of character, causing Malcolm to frown at him.

"You can't possibly come at me with a lifetime commitment and ask me to make a choice on the spot," he walks to him, the height difference making the poor human wish he could crawl back on the sofa and hide.

"Well, that's exactly what you're asking me to do by forcing me to mate with you within twenty four hours of meeting." Milo bites back with confidence, unlike the truth of what he felt.

"Don't!" Malcolm's annoyance is on display as he holds Milo by the forearm, pushing Toby and London to stand up behind him, ready to bounce. "Don't you fucking dare compare what we are with this." He finishes, unfazed by the two other clowns according to him.

"What we have? What we have....?" Milo chuckled humourlessly at the words of the older and shakes his arm free from his hold. "I barely fucking know you!" He lifts his arms in the air exasperated and looks at London.

"One month...." Malcolm takes slow deep breaths. "One month during which they aren't allowed to touch or think about you, I will help him... I will teach him everything there is to know about his dormant powers and in exchange, you will have dinner with me everyday, we will share the same bed and the same room. When the month is over, you will know everything there is to know about me.... And I will decide whether or not I accept them as my mates." Malcolm speaks with authority and decisiveness laced to his tone.

Milo's heart races at the announcement of Malcolm taking it into consideration and jumps into his arms, taking the warlock by surprise. He shakes the surprised look off his face and secures his thick arms around the boy's small waist.

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