40. Confessions

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Chapter 40: Confessions.

"I'm not going to let you die now that I have you back!" Toby shots out of his seat at the mention of Milo dying.

"Sit down and listen till the end," the human rolls his eyes and the Light Fae is forced to oblige. "I'm not going to die for good. Listen, according to the ancient grimoires, a spirit without an anchor stays lost between times and realities. If each one of you mark me, and with your powers combined, you will be able to guide me to the exact time and place where it all started. I can just go there, warn you about everything that will happen and your past selves will make the right choices!"

"Why don't you just go to your past self and prevent him from capturing Milo?" Arrow inquires curiously and the human shakes his head.

"For the four of you to guide my spirit, you will have to focus on the first time we all saw each other, otherwise, you could mess up and just toss me somewhere in-between the realms." Milo explains and they all nod in understatement.

"So if you warn us, I wouldn't consume your soul, Victor wouldn't send you away with London and Malcolm will never see you, therefore he won't be marking Victor against his will and he won't torture us." Arrow nods in understanding and the human finds himself compelled to add.

"And Elijah will be back." He looks at Victor as he says that, making the warlock's eyebrows furrow with confusion.

"What do you mean-...." He stops talking as the meaning of the words crash down on his heart. "He killed him," the words are spat like venom but all Milo could do was nod.

Arrow and Toby gasp in horror and London asks for some time with his husbands, Milo obliges, telling them he'd be waiting in the green house while they get time to grief and talk properly.

Half an hour later, the door to the green house is pushed open just as Milo starts to lose his patience and he is surprised to see Arrow standing there with a mug in each hand.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Arrow suggests as he hands one of the two mugs to the shorter male.

"Is it poisoned?" Milo lifts and eyebrow as he sniffles the hot chocolate he was just offered, making the vampire roll his eyes.

"I'm past the stage of wanting you dead." He reassures him with a small smile making the human huff at him with a smirk.

"Yeah, I still wish you killed me rather than the hell I've been through," Milo's dark humor to escape his trauma doesn't go blind on Arrow who looks down at his mug as if it began the most interesting thing in the universe.

"About that..." Arrow starts with the intent of apologizing but the human cuts it short.

"Listen, I hate you for what you did, I still picture myself torturing you to death before I go to sleep." He laughs at the last part, enjoying the look of terror in the vampire's eyes. "But I don't have the energy to hate you or carry the guilt of hurting you. We have a chance to fix all this and do the right thing, so let's make it count." Milo sips some of his hot chocolate as he starts to feel awkward from Arrow's intense stares.

"I'm sorry Milo, I don't know what you've been through and I'm afraid that after you change our timeline, we won't share the same memories but there is something I have been wanting to tell you since the day I consumed your soul." Arrow starts confessing by putting his cup on one of the shelves that carried pots on them.

"I'm sorry for destroying your life, I'm sorry for blaming you for everything that happened to my marriage when honestly, it was falling apart way before you came around. I was too scared and too much of a coward to admit my mistakes to myself and you were an easy escape, you seemed expandable and I wanted to throw all my worries with you, I believed that somehow, harming you would make my relationship better but I swear, I never intended to screw you up this much, I am sure you'll never forgive me, neither should you... I deserve my karma. Everything that's happening to us is our own fault and we are finally realizing that. In fact, we wouldn't have made it so far without you."

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