7. Explanation

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Published : January, 21st, 2021.
Edited : ...


"So that's him?" Elijah who just entered his lab smirked at the small human in Victor's arms.

"Yeah, so Arrow kind of fed on his soul after Toby marked him by force, I was hoping you could do something about it." Victor grimaced as he knew how bad it sounded after saying it outloud.

Elijah who was getting amused by the sticky situation indicated at the dental chair and Victor understood that he wanted to put him on it which he did instantly and turned to his warlock, slash doctor friend.

"Your husbands screwed up pretty bad this time. I'm mostly surprised it wasn't London." He smirked at the memory of how many times he had to cover up for London's murders and attacks, he didn't complain about it either as it gave him free organs to harvest for his experiments.

"Believe it or not, I'm more surprised than you." Victor took another look at Milo's passed out body and back at Elijah who had changed from his blazers to the white blouse.

"He is kinda cute tho." Elijah stated as he adjusted the green gloves on his hands. "I hope you're not expecting me to remove the mark because the serum isn't ready yet, it could kill him. I can however try to minimise the damage done by Arrow." He explained as he sat on the stool chair by the patient and started checking his pulse.

"I wasn't going to ask you to remove the mark, just maybe some... you know, old dark magic to make it less traumatic?" Victor's face stayed stoic, not allowing any emotion to show which shocked Elijah more than the request itself.

"Are you crazy? You want me to do a dark magic spell on a body that had just gone through an unwanted mark and soul snaking in less than, what? A day? Are you aware than this is a human body? They're like the weakest, like... they literally die if it gets too cold, who the fuck dies because of heat?" Elijah was clearly freaking out and his rambling started to give Victor a headache.

"Listen, just do it okay? If you don't I will have to do it myself and I'm afraid little cousin that I don't have that much control over dark magic." He tried to play the pity card but Elijah was having none of it.

"Low blow, what if I kill him? Toby will hunt me down and I do not underestimate that little thing and his fairy dust."

Victor sighed and went silent for a moment before looking at Milo for the ninth time that day, he found himself looking at him whenever he gets confused as if he'd magically find an answer to all his answers and he hated it.

"Something tells me he will survive it..." he whispered in a softer tone, not tearing his gaze from the little human. Elijah on the other hand was looking at him like he finally went nuts.

No more words were exchanged after that as Elijah got busy reversing Arrow's work. He couldn't bring back what Arrow took for him, but after injecting him with magic enhanced adrenaline and connecting him to several machines, he got to work.

"When I brought him here... I wanted to give him up for the experiment." Victor suddenly confessed, playing with the rings on his fingers and looking down at his lap.

"I know." Elijah stated plainly, not a bit shocked by the revelation. "Yet you couldn't, you want to impress Toby, even if it means accepting him into the family." He finished for him without taking his eyes off the body he was treating.

"I don't think he will ever be part of this family Elijah, he was forced upon us."

Suddenly, Elijah stopped working and looked behind him at Victor who looked exhausted and lost.

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