31. Anchor

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Chapter 31: Anchor

The three males rushed around Milo as his body started convulsing, reminding London and Malcolm of that cursed day at the witches' lair. The three of them try waking him up, using their respective powers but nothing seemed to work, as if he were stuck in some kind of night terror.

"He is sweating like a pig, we need to take him to Elijah!!" Toby rambles as he starts to feel Milo's distress through their bond.

"Elijah wouldn't be able to prevent the inevitable!" London bites back at his husband as he tries to hold Milo's body still who is being held in Malcolm's arms.

"What do you mean by the inevitable?" Malcolm quirks and eyebrow at London, his heart was getting torn at each scream of torture leaving his baby's throat.

Toby gives London a warning look, preventing him from telling the truth, even if they had their relationship drama, Malcolm didn't need to know about Arrow's mistake or he'd most definitely kill him.

"Arrow consumed part of Milo's soul." London admitted dejectedly, looking down at the convulsing body before him, regret and pain were flashing through his eyes.

Not because Milo was now suffering the consequences of that, but because he stood there and did nothing to help.

Malcolm, who already knew, didn't expect any of the four husbands to come clean about the first degree crime that took place under there roof. London's confession took him off guard and he found himself obliged to fake a reaction so the two husbands never suspect his long shot.

"He did what..." He snarls with tears gathering in his eyes, his performance might be fake, but not the pain he was feeling.

He had to look into his mate's eyes and tell him it was not a big deal, just a residue of magic that he will deal with later, but the truth was far from that.

Arrow touched his soul, he tore apart his very own person and now, there was no estimation of the damage done or how it could be repaired. If it could be repaired.

"Not now!" Toby steps in, preventing Malcolm from jumping London, "We really need to take him to Elijah, he will know what to do."

Malcolm seems to have agreed easily, because few minutes later, they were in Elijah's laboratory with a now passed out Milo in Malcolm's eyes.

It took half an hour for Elijah to show up into his lab with two other witches that worked for him and the three men where rushed outside the treatment room.

A couple of hours later, the door opens, revealing a very exhausted Elijah, his dirty blond hair was in every direction, dark circles were adorning his eyes and his lips looked paler than usual.

"What happened?" London's voice cracked as he stood to face the doctor warlock.

Elijah looks anxiously between the two husbands and Malcolm, not knowing whether or not he should speak in front of him.

"He knows." Toby reassures him and Elijah releases a long sigh of relief.

"I exhausted all of my magic to keep his condition stable for the moment, yet he wouldn't last very long." He starts with wavering eyes. "I can't exactly know how much damage Arrow inflicted but the part that looks affected to me is his anchor to reality." He explains while looking at each one of them respectively.

"His anchor?" London steps in, securing one arm around Toby's waist to support him.

"His connection to reality." Malcolm mutters under his breath and the two husbands look between them cluelessly.

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