36. Lies

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Chapter 36: Lies.

The next morning, Milo woke up to Mama Jane's cries and wailing, he doesn't get time to react before the adrenaline pumps into his veins and he runs to the source of the sound.

His legs eventually lead him to Mama Jane's room where the three other are standing by the door, Ezekiel had his both arms around Elliot and Remington who were crying silently, the oldest had an empty look in his eyes, he looked on the verge of crying but he wasn't giving into it.

"What's going on?" He whispers as he approaches them and tries to push through, his heart beating faster by the second when the worst scenarios start playing in his head.

"Go back to your room," Ezekiel's voice was hoarse as he let's go of his two siblings to keep Milo from entering the room.

Elliott and Remi proceed to cry in each other's arms and Milo laughs in denial as he starts to catch on what's happening.

"Where is Grandma Lou?" He looks around him, expecting her to appear out of nowhere and save the situation.

"Milo, go back to your room." Ezekiel insists, his eyes were blood shot but no tears came out, his hair was disheveled in every direction and he seemed to have just awoken from bed, just like him.

"I want to see Mama Jane!" Milo starts to resist Ezekiel hold only to be blocked by a stone hard chest and steel arms.

"I won't repeat myself-" Ezekiel proceeds to use a more severe tone to push the shorter male away but Remington's hand on his shoulder stops him from talking further.

"He is family," her strained voice interrupts. "We can let him in..."

Ezekiel seems to share her same opinion as realization drowns upon him, his head hangs down and he makes way for Milo to pass.

Upon entering the room, he notices Mama Jane hugging someone who's laying under white sheets.

Grandma Lou.

"Who's sleeping in your bed Mama?" Milo chuckles and she looks up at him, it was the first time he saw her cry or show anything close to pained.

Her green eyes were overtaken by a red color, her freckled cheeks were stained with a continuous stream of hot tears as she looked at him silently.

She quickly dries her tears with the back of her sleeves and stands up, she takes Milo into his arms and he holds on to her for dear life, burying his face into her neck as she invites the other three for a hug.

"She loved all of us," Mama Jane is the first to break the silence, kissing Remington's head gently as they cry their departed.

Silence overtakes the room, only sobs and sniffles are heard, Milo tilts his head to rest his cheek on Mama's shoulder when he notices a tree branche extending from under the white sheets.

Pushing away from the group hug and before any of them gets to stop him, he pulls the sheet away and gasps in bewilderment. There, on the soft bed, laid Grandma Lou, but instead of a normal human corpse, her skin looked like a tree's external skin, her once grey hair was now silver strings cascading down her shoulder and her finger nails looked like rough diamonds.

He doesn't get to watch more before Mama Jane pulls him around and glares down at him.

"What is this.... Where is Grandma Lou?" His eyes travel between the four of them and they stand there, unmoving. "This is truly the shittiest prank ever!" He starts to scream but Elliot's hand on his shoulder stops him.

"That is Grandma Lou." He tries to stay collected for the younger male in front of him but Mama Jane pulls him away.

"Bullshit, she is sleeping in her room in the attic!" Milo tries to push through the four of them and run to the attic but Mama stops him by holding his forearm.

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