24. Hours.

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Chapter 24: Hours.

Hours had past since Malcolm dropped that bomb on the four husbands and Milo and left.

He definitely didn't want to leave, especially when he knows Toby and London will do anything to get into his mate's pants. Yet, he had to do it, he understood how Milo went through a crazy amount of traumatic events in the last couple of days and he needed to give him space.

Unfortunately, twenty four hours wasn't enough for Milo. He hadn't moved from his seat on the kitchen table since the warlock left, leaving him to his thoughts and the four husbands who would eventually drive him crazy with their constant arguing.

They managed to keep screaming at each other for three hours straight, they were obviously supernaturals and foreign to the concept of headaches but he was definitely having one from their voices.

On one hand, you have Arrow who was hell bent on breaking the bond already without waiting another second and then you have Victor, with his crazy theory of preparing for war against Malcolm since he will be definitely coming for Toby, while Toby and London were relentlessly trying to argue on keeping the bond and going on about how it can't be real and Malcolm must be screwing them.

Milo tried to interfere many times, however, he ends up shutting up after one deadly glare from all of them. With his arms crossed over his chest, he puffs his cheeks and bangs his head on the table, making Toby instantly stand by his side, rubbing his shoulders.

"Hey, are you okay?" They all go silent, eyeing Toby and the human with careful eyes.

Milo lifts his head from the table and shakes it negatively.

"Y'all keep screaming and I'm extremely hungry, sleepy and having a headache because of your voices." He glares at Toby with a small pout forming, making the white fairy's heart race from the adorable sight.

"How stupid of us, of course he needs food, you've been through so much!!" London rambles as he joins Milo's other side. "Is there anything you want to eat?" He smiles down at the human, rubbing his head up and down his back.

"Yes baby, what do you want to eat?" Toby insists and Milo could feel his cheeks warm up at the endearment.

"Anything really..." He shruggs his shoulders carelessly but his whole body tenses up when he notices the death glares Arrow was giving him. "What are you looking at?" He bites back, lifting and eyebrow at the vampire who was staring him down.

Arrow doesn't speak but simply rolls his eyes and leaves the kitchen, followed by Victor who intends to do some damage control, leaving Milo with Toby, London and an awfully silent and forgotten Elijah.

"I guess it's my cue to leave... " Elijah sighs as he stands up from his seat and takes his coat, throwing it over his left shoulder.

"You should stay." Milo is instantly on his feet, looking at the warlock with anxious eyes as if begging to stay.

Elijah was the only person who didn't want to kill him or fuck him, which was the closest thing he could have to normal human interaction at the moment, besides, he didn't want to discover what the two fairies had in store for him for the way they have been stripping him with their eyes.

"I... Guess?" Elijah responds skeptically after looking between the three of them, he could sense Milo's distress and even penetrate some of his thoughts, which was confirmed by the two fairy's miscontent when he stayed.

"I think Elijah has work to do." Toby grunts, giving Elijah the death glare while standing right behind Milo and bulging his eyes at the Warlock.

"Actually, why don't you make something for Milo while I talk to Elijah outside, baby?" London smiles at Toby who is rejoiced by the thought of finally having some time alone with his mate.

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