39. Prophecy

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Chapter 39: Prophecy.

—Milo's POV :

After I followed London into the cellars in the basement, he showed me Elijah's beaten up corpse and if not for all the horrors I've witnessed recently, I know I would've threw up at the sight of his decapitated body.

"Is he the only one he killed?" I sigh as I watch him carry the body outside, blood running behind him.

"He almost killed Owen a couple of times but that bitch is like a cat with nine lives." His eyes flash with hatred at the mention of Toby's evil twin and I freeze in my steps.

"Owen is here?" I bite my lip as I look to the side of the dark corridors that had a couple more doors.

"He's not worth it... " London shakes his head, he seems to have understood the look on my eyes and I nod, following him out.

We take Elijah's still warm body with us and we buckle up into his new car that was parked by the entrance. As we roll outside the permises, London turns on the radio to kill the uncomfortable silence and my thoughts drift to the body behind me.

Ezekiel had warned me, he warned me that something bad was going to happen and only if I listened and came by sooner, I would've prevented him from killing Elijah.

I could only imagine what the others must have been through because of my absence, I knew better than to blame myself but I couldn't help the urge to scream and cry, Elijah was gone for good, maybe he wasn't the best person in the world but he was a decent person, he had a purpose in life and he was a brilliant soul.

He dedicated his life to science instead of oppressing people and I know for a fact he didn't have a mate but he spent his life trying to develop a serum that breaks mate bonds, I wish I asked him why he did it.

Why was he so determined to find a way to break the mating bond when he didn't have a mate?

"Toby is going crazy...." London speaks after almost half an hour of reflection and I snap my head towards him without talking, "Your distance was killing him," he continues after he notices I wasn't about to respond, "The bond.... We thought you died from the pain he has been experiencing."

I look down at my lap, I couldn't help the pain squeezing my heart at his words, for some reason, the bond wasn't affecting me the way it should.

Yes, I did miss him, yes I craved his presence but it was forced upon me and perhaps... Perhaps it was the reason I wasn't affected by it as much, since it came from an unwanted place.

"I'm stronger than what I look like..." I heave, looking outside the scenery as we exit the endless fields of corns.

"I don't doubt that, but being away from your mate is supposed to kill anyone." He tries to reason with me and I try hard not to roll my eyes.

"I did research during my time away London," I look at him without bothering to hide the annoyance on my face. "The mark isn't supposed to be forced, he took my life and my choice from me, he made me vulnerable and then hid the fact that his other mate sucked my soul. He dragged me into a mess with three other supernaturals and you expect me to just die when he's not around?"

"That's not what I said-" He tries to defend himself but I cut him short.

"Just drive," I feel bad for snapping at him the way I did then I remember the words I said to Malcolm's face and I start feeling even worse.

Why does it have to be so hard?

I know they're toxic, all of them, but why is it so hard to push them away?

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