Self Publishing Plans

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I am open for self publishing this story.
As a webnovel author here in Wattpad, the dream is to publish from web to print. There is a certain level of fulfillment if you get to publish your work and print a physical book that could be sold in bookstores or online as digital ebook and generate income. However I realized as I get older, the journey in getting a publishing contract is a little bit harder to attain since most publishing houses offer those to webnovel authors whose stories has a lot reads and big fan base. I do not have that as of now.

But the dream does not end there because self publishing is another option. Although, it also takes a lot of courage, work, and right knowledge on the process to make your dreams come true. Also, money is involved. I do not have the funds yet for self publishing. It is quite costly. Another tricky thing about self-publishing is that you have to find the right publishing house that offers self publishing services that does not only print copies of your story but also ensure that the book that will be produced is of quality. It was edited and proofread by professional editoras.

Many young authors got scammed by local publishing houses offering low royalty fees and some produced low quality books that caused the downfall of some aspiring writers because their work was not proofread. Thus, their dreams in flames. This is why self publishing is a long process. Although I am eyeing already publishing houses to work with, I do hope that I'll get the right one. 

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