Chapter 10: The Act

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Chapter 10: The Act

We walked side by side with our hands intertwined. I'm not really comfortable with this. When we arrived at the room where the event will be held, I was in shock. There are many people at the place. Most of them look like big-time billionaires. They are very well-dressed and I have to admit, their clothes look expensive. I never really knew that Charlie's family is actually one of the richest families in Paris. No wonder they held an event in such a luxurious hotel and hung out with these types of people. From the look of it, Charlie has been keeping a lot of secrets. I didn't know they were that rich and second, he looked simple and lived A simple life back in Hamptons. Looks can really be very deceiving.

Most of the people are busy talking about business and you can say that they're really sophisticated with their conversations. I can hear most of them speak French and other languages. Seeing these people made me more nervous. Pretending isn't just right. I held Charlie's hand tighter as we passed.

"Just relax. It's okay," Charlie whispered, trying to calm me down. He knows I'm nervous. Seeing these people scares me to death. It's as if one false move and you're dead. There are also media people around.

"You didn't tell me that we're going pretend in front of this kind of crowd!" I growled at him in a low voice. "Is there something else I should know?!"

"Nah, it's better this way," he whispered and smirked. "You'll all figure it out in no time."

"What the hell?! Charlie!" I growled at him again in a low voice. "Do you have any idea what the consequence would be if we got caught?!"

"Relax and trust me, we're not going to get caught," he whispered. "You've been hanging out with these kinds of people. You're rich too. You're just overwhelmed."

"Not as rich as these people!" I blurted out. It's true, I am rich but not as rich as them. These people at the party were like heirs and heiresses of big international companies that helped shape the world. They are nobles. One false move is a scandal. They are very powerful people in the society. Lying to his grandparents and these people isn't right. Besides, I can't take the fact that there are journalists invited at the event too.

"Just go with the flow," he said. "Besides, you look beautiful."

"That's not the point Charlie. I'm not like them. I can't do this," I whispered as I let go of his hand. Actually, I hate lying to people and my conscience keeps bugging me that this is a bad idea. I had a bad feeling already the moment we entered the room.

He held me on both shoulders and looked me in the eye and said, "Take a deep breath. Everything's going to be fine."

We walked around the room acting as if we're a couple. Suddenly, an old woman waved at us. It must be Charlie's grandmother. Charlie waved back at her. Charlie and I walked towards her, trying to keep up the act. When we reached her, she greeted us both.

"So, this is the girl you've been talking about," she said happily. She hugged me and I hugged her back. "Katherine, it's good that I finally meet you."

I just tried to keep up with the act and said, "It's good that I was able to finally meet you too."

She smiled at me and Charlie. She looked pretty happy to see us both. Eventually, Charlie's grandfather arrived. He kissed her on her cheek.

"Tony, here's the girl he's talking about," her grandmother said giddily.

"Look at you," he said, amazed. "What a very fine woman."

"Grandma, Grandpa, I would like you to meet Katherine," Charlie finally introduced me to them. "This is Katherine Dupree, my girlfriend."

Introducing me to his grandparents is making me more nervous. They both extended their hands and we shook hands. His grandmother kissed me on the cheek and his grandfather hugged me. They were so kind and I feel so welcomed. I feel so guilty that we're lying. They look pretty happy to see Charlie and me together.

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