Chapter 2: The Funeral

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Chapter 2: The Funeral

It was six in the morning when I was awakened by a dog's bark. It seems that my dog, Gigi, was in such a good mood for an early morning walk. She likes that. It also has been a while since I let her out for a walk in the morning. I peeked a little from my right eye and pretended to be asleep. I just saw a cute and excited 2 year-old Siberian husky in front of my face. I immediately closed my eyes and continued pretending to be asleep but Gigi kept on licking my feet. I still refused to get out of bed. Not contended, she finally jumped into my bed to wake me and pulled out my blanket.

"Gigi, I still want to sleep," I told her, pulling the blanket and covering myself. Gigi barked again. I tried to ignore her. But then I suddenly remembered that today is the funeral. Mixed emotions arose. An early walk is all I needed so I finally decided to get out of bed. I immediately took a bath, then changed clothes. I grabbed Gigi's leash and went out for a walk in the streets. While I was walking around the streets of Hamptons, I passed by Dimitri's house which made me more sad and depressed. I can see the old treehouse where we used to play. I played in the back of my mind how things were back then. I can't help but shed a tear as a Taylor Swift song played on my iPad.

The song was "Oh My My My" by Taylor Swift. It reminded me of the time we played in the rain in their backyard. Again, tears came streaming down my face. I was on my way towards their house when I saw Dimitri's sister, Ruby, in the backyard, sitting at the tire swing. She saw me approaching her and smiled. She did not say a word at first. I understand. Like me, she's still sad about what happened to Dimitri. Of all of Dimitri's siblings, Ruby is the one who was very close to Dimitri. She is just ten years old and losing a brother at an early age will be hard for her. I can feel her pain. I lost my mom when I was 13. Even though I was just 13 back then, I still have a hard time accepting her death even now.

"Can I join you?" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded. I sat down on the other tire swing beside her. She looked at me and smiled. At first, she didn't say a word.

Minutes passed when she finally broke the silence between us and said, "Dimitri liked you a lot you know." I turned and looked at her. I didn't know how to react. I wonder how long she knew.

"Come on, I'll show you," she grabbed my hand and led me up to the old tree house. I haven't gone up there since we entered senior high school. I almost forgot what it looked like. I looked around and found an old photograph posted on the corkboard along with post-it notes. I stared at it, trying to figure out who's in the picture. The photo was really hazy probably because it got wet and is very old. I can't even recognize the people in it.

"Dimitri used to go up here whenever he misses the old times. He once told me of how much this place reminded him of you when you were both still kids," she shared giddily. She was holding a shoe box and held it out to me. As I opened it, I realized that the box contained old photographs of me and Dimitri. After all this time, I can't believe that he kept it. "I guess you mean a lot to him. So here, I guess he left that out for you," she also added.

"Thank you Ruby," I said gratefully as I hugged her and shed a tear. We were quiet again for a while until Ruby started telling stories and sharing her good memories with her brother. She is so easy to talk to. In fact, she reminded me so much of Dimitri when we were still kids. Ruby is like her brother's exact girl version. For the rest of that hour, I talked and played around the backyard with Gigi. I had a good time as everything felt a little lighter.

Who knew that a ten year old girl can be so strong and optimistic? For a moment, I felt okay. I am amazed by how she handled the situation. How I wish I was like her back then, very strong and optimistic. No questions asked and believed that everything happens for a reason. I kind of feel a little guilty because I was supposed to be the one comforting her but it seemed that what happened was the other way around. Before leaving, I thanked her for the time we spent and for making me feel better. We said our goodbyes and then I left with Gigi. I hurried back home because Dad still had no idea of my whereabouts today. He might be worried sick again.

Around 2 in the afternoon, I realized that I only have an hour to prepare myself. So, I immediately took a bath and got dressed. Sophia helped me down the stairs. I still have trouble walking on the stairs but I'm okay and recovering. Dad carried my guitar and put it inside the car. Sophia and I went inside the car as Dad closed the garage door.

The moment we arrived at the funeral, I saw some of our classmates and teachers. It seems that the news had already reached school. I saw my best friend Melanie Osborne sitting beside her boyfriend, Jayden. Aside from Dimitri, Melanie is also my best friend. She, Dimitri, and I were best of friends. That's why Dimitri's passing is painful to her as well. She didn't have romantic feelings for him but she cared for Dimitri like a brother. He was always there to protect both of us.

Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Heimlich delivered their speech at the funeral, so did Dimitri's brother and sisters. I was amazed with Ruby's speech. While she's delivering the speech, you can feel every word she says. Good thing about her was that she didn't cry at all. She is so strong that you can see that not a single tear was shed while delivering her eulogy for her brother. You might have expected that she would break down in a minute but she didn't. Her words had a great impact on the audience. Melanie delivered a speech as well. Melanie's speech was so touchy that most of the people at the funeral couldn't resist crying. After her speech, it was my turn. I walked towards the center and stood in the podium.

"Dimitri is a good friend. He was always there for his friends and his family." I paused for a while. Trying to think of words to say. I'm not used to standing and talking in front of many people. Then, I continued, "His loss might be difficult for all of us but his memories will forever be remembered." I paused again. I wiped down the tear on my cheek and said," He might be gone now, he might not be on our side right now, but he will always be with us in our hearts."

"Dimitri, wherever you are, remember that you will be forever remembered. And now I dedicate this song to you," I said. I grabbed my guitar and strummed a G chord. Then, I started playing the intro of the song that I composed. I sang with all my heart and for once I ignored the people who were looking at me while I sang. I finished the song with these lines,

"I may still be in haze and lost in our summer days
But I promise you'll be remembered
Forever and always"

Then, I stopped strumming. The last chord was a D chord. D for Dimitri. I shed a tear and whispered the word, "Always." Always, because I will always remember him.

There was a total silence after I sang. More eulogies also came afterwards. An hour already passed when people started to talk to Dimitri's parents saying their condolences and sharing sympathy for their loss. When the priest arrived, a mass was held and then we proceeded to the cemetery for the burial.

Sophia, Melanie, and I were the first to throw flowers while Dimitri's coffin was slowly being held down the ground. I couldn't afford not to cry nor look at the coffin being held down. The feeling weighed like tons that I couldn't stop crying. I looked around and saw how this day is gloomy as rain slowly poured down as well. We all wore black clothes with our mourning hearts on our sleeves.

After the funeral and burial ceremony, the people immediately went home. Dimitri's family, Sophia, Dad, and I were the ones left at the cemetery. Dad had a short conversation with Dimitri's family and it was clear that Dad was saying his condolence and his sympathy for their loss. I didn't get the chance to talk to Dimitri's parents. Dad insisted that we should leave immediately and give them time to grieve the loss of their son. Dimitri's family needed some time alone.

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