Chapter 3: The Graduation

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Chapter 3: The Graduation

It's the 16th of March. The graduation day is fast approaching. We only have 2 days left till graduation. The news about Dimitri's death spread in the entire school but the mourning for his death ended a week ago. Everything went back to normal. Everyone's minding their own business, preparing for finals and their classes. For them, it's another normal day but for me it isn't. I miss Dimitri. I went back to school a week ago and here I am again walking along the streets alone. Well, I usually walk with Dimitri on the way to school and on the way home which made me miss him more. Ten days have already passed but I'm still haunted by the past.

At school, I was walking down the hallway looking for my locker when I saw Melanie and Jayden. They were walking down the hallway holding hands and walking towards me. Jayden softly punched me on the arm like he and Dimitri used to and said, "Hey, Kathy, what's up?"

"Seriously, Jayden, when will you stop that?! I'm getting annoyed with you already," I told him in a harsh voice. I didn't mean to sound mean, it's just that he knew that it reminds me of Dimitri and he still does it.

"Don't mind him, he's just a little goofy today," Melanie said. "Anyway, how are you? I haven't talked to you since the funeral. Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. The truth is I'm not fine. I miss Dimitri. I always tell them that I'm okay so that they will not worry about me. I don't want to see a psychologist again. If Dad finds out, he will bring me to the psychologist again.

"Girls, sorry to interrupt you in your conversation but I have to go. I still have football practice. I'll see you later!" said Jayden. He kissed Melanie on the cheek and rushed off towards the football field.

Melanie and I were on our way to the library. We've been quiet for a while. We were walking down the hallway when she finally caught me off-guard and said, "I know that his loss is very painful for you. It is painful for us too, you know."

I stopped walking, closed my eyes, and sighed as I told her in a soft voice and tried not to cry, "I know. I know."

"Kath, you have to move on. It might not be easy but it's the right thing to do. You can't stay in the past forever. You must look forward, not look back," she suggested.

It was true and she was right. I know that she was right. My only problem was, how? I'm still stuck in the past that I can't move on so I told her, "I know, Mel. It's just that I don't know how." Melanie remained silent. I didn't wait for her to say something, I knew that the 'how' is such a hard question. We just went to the library for research. We have to finish our thesis today.


Finally, the last day of school came. All of the hardships will be over! No more Physics, no more Chemistry, and no more Math! I never actually hated school. I only hated school because of Math. School can be a pain in the ass sometimes but I will surely miss my high school friends especially Melanie. She's the only best friend I have left. I will also miss the literature and history classes because in college you will not have those kinds of subjects unless you will take up a course related to it such as Archaeology or Literature.

Speaking of college, summer is fast approaching and I still haven't decided yet what course I will be taking in college in the fall. I got accepted to New York University and Yale University but I'm undecided yet. All I wanted was to see the world. For all of my life, I've been reading and researching about different countries and it sucks that I can only see their beauty in the pictures. However, History and Literature classes became my eye to the horizon and what goes beyond. This is the reason why I love those classes. But the reason why I love it even more and that it means a lot more to me was Dimitri. He and Melanie are the ones I can get along with because we shared the same love and interest in Literature and History.

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