The seacrh.......

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Buttercup's POV

~Blossom has a new power. But she's still in danger!~ "Wait....did you get a good look at the place she was in?" I ask. Butch still on the ground, Bubbles shaking at the sight she saw. "I did. That's him's home in his dimension." Boomer answered. "Well let's go!!!" I jumped up and ran for the door. Butch ran to the door with his superspeed. He gave me a teary glare. "Butch, we have to go help her before something bad happens!" I snap. "Buttercup you can't go." He reassure. "Butch, she's in trouble I have to g " " YOU FORGET YOURE PREGNANT, AND HIM PLANS TO KILL ANYONE NO MORE MATTER WHAT!!!!!" Butch yells back. I stop and charge at him. I punch him.  The third hit he grabbed me and tightly hugged me. "Butch we have to help her.......I don't want to lose her and Brick." I cry into his shoulders. Butch is bawling silently as he hugs me. "Wait Buttercup what did Butch say?" Bubbles ask. My head pop up and I blushed.  "I'm three months pregnant." I answer. Bubbles uses her x ray to check my stomach. "O...m....g. Buttercup you have twins." Bubbles says slowly. Me and Butch flinch. I start crying hard. "What am I going to do what am I going to do?!?" I whisper. Butch bends down to me and puts he's hand on my head. "Buttercup I need you to sleep while we're gone." He says. "How can I sleep at a time like this " "I know but I'll help you sleep." Butch says quite sweet and kisses me. My eyes grew heavy and black out.  

Butch's POV

I did what I had to. "Bitch what did you do?" Bubbles asked. "I never told anybody but I have a power to make people go to sleep just by touching them." I answered and carried Buttercup to my room. "How long will she be asleep?" Boomer asked. "A few days.....I can choose when they wake up." I said scared but didn't let them know. ~Buttercup forgive me......I can't lose you too~ I thought sadly. Boomer called up MY best friend Blake and his girlfriend Babe. "Yo Blake.....IN THE HOUSE!!!" Blake screams out. Babe slapped him in the head making us flinch. "Be quiet, you idiot....Buttercup is asleep!!!!!" Babe said angry..

-------------TO BE CONTINUED------------

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